
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. T

    Fire Eel SOS HELP!!!

    I bought a 3-4" fire eel a month ago. I have a 30 Gal tank with 2 black molly, 2 dwarf gourami, 1 pleco, 1 african dwarf frog, 1 cory catfish, 1 male betta, and my fire eel (All fish are small right now). I don't have any sand on the bottom but I do have small gravel (I was gonna get sand soon)...
  2. KelberiFishLover19


    If anyone has read one of my last posts, ALL FISH DEAD IN ONE NIGHT, you saw that I did not properly cycle the tank and the fish died. So it has been 3 weeks since the fish died and I have done anything to the tank. I haven’t even looked at it since then. So, I went back to “start the nitrogen...
  3. rayoddballfish

    Oscar with Hole in Head? HELP!

    Hi guys, does my oscar have hole on the head disease? If so how do I treat it? I have general cure but not sure if should just add it to my tank or put it in food. My oscar has a great appetite eating cut up tilapia so I'm not certain he has it. Also I have a lapreidei bichir in his tank, can...
  4. F

    Need advice please

    (Originally posted this in another section but didn't get any answers) So I have an empty 36 gallon bow front tank rn and I wanna put a fish in there that I can grow out before transferring it to my 250(I’m in the process of building the 250 because my 225 is currently being used for a salt...
  5. H

    Help ID this Geophagus please!

    Hello everyone, I got 4[1jumped out and passed away :(] geophagus labeled as geophagus tapajos red head. It was like 8months ago and they were probably 3/4months old. The thing is I already had a couple 4years ago and they were a lot light color and with more red and orange than this ones, and...
  6. F

    Need help with fish decision!

    So I have an empty 36 gallon bow front tank rn and I wanna put a fish in there that I can grow out before tranfering it to my 250(I’m in the process of building the 250 because my 225 is currently being used for a salt setup and I don’t want to add any more fish to my 350). I want to keep these...
  7. M

    Need abit of advice.

    Hi all. Haven't got much of a clue on using this website. I have a 120L fish tank and just added allot of new aquarium plants the plants... My issue is that since adding the plants my tank has gone really cloudy with a white cloundyness. I'm quite new and have never had aquarium plants before in...
  8. F


    So I recently got two baby arowana and they weren’t eating but then they started to eat frozen fried blood worms and were both swimming and acting very normal. However I woke up this morning to find my arowana sitting on the bottom of the tank, I quickly changed half of the water from the tank...
  9. C

    My Motoro Stingray will not eat!

    My motoro stingray has not eaten in about 4 days. The water parameters are all good and all the other fish in the tank are perfectly healthy. This stingray has been in the tank for months and I have never had a problem. There also appears to be damage to some of the edges to her disc. I am...
  10. K

    Chameleon health

    Attention! My girlfriend owns a chameleon and she’s been having it for about 4 months now. And now she’s having health issues the chameleon doesn’t really eat, slowly drinking less, not really moving around the cage mostly hiding and also is trying to nap during the day if anyone can help us...
  11. Zak03

    Feeding my Sun Cat problems

    So I have a sun cat with 2 oscars. All three fish are about the same size 3-4" ( sun cat is slightly smaller). But im having trouble feeding my sun cat. I researched that you should feed the catfish so that it should always have slight bump in the belly. i havent able to acheive that. i feed my...
  12. J

    Advice on Green Terror for new American Cichlid owner

    Hi, I’m new to the forum and rather new to aquariums and fish as a whole. I’ve had cichlids for about a year and a half now. I had mainly Africans but due to me moving I’ve sadly lost all but 2 of my Africans due to the stress of it all (luckily they left a surprise behind them with 4 fry that...
  13. CrazyFishLady90

    Fish louse?

    I think my gulper has a louse (cue goosebumps and skin crawl). Would that affect his appetite? How would I remove it? I've had him a week today. He's wild caught but I imported him from a Cichlaholics. Pics aren't great. Not much practice taking photos of moving objects through glass.
  14. N

    Help. Pleico sick again??!! :-(

    hi I feel like I keep coming back here for help - thank goodness you guys are here My pleico is maybe 6 years old, he’s in a 35 gallon tank on his own and he’s a little over 12 inches long (measure varies through the glass to as much as 13 inches). He’s been staying by the heater towards the...
  15. Zak03

    Natural Plants in the Oscar Tank

    So, im using big natural rocks as decor in my tank. i washed them thoroughly with hydrogen peroxide, and then rinsed them and dried them before placing them in the tank. I've been using them for a few weeks now and i havent had any problems. But there is one thing. Moss started to grow two of...
  16. Zak03

    I got ICH

    Alright guys. So just several minutes ago, i noticed that my two small (2-3") oscars (red and tiger) have white spots on their fins. I researched it out how to diagnose ich, and realized that 1. they have been spending more time near the bottom of the tank, 2. the tiger's appetite is almost...
  17. A


    Hello new to the page but could really use some help I put the largest mystery snail I had in my gulper tank just for one day to help clean up and I was gonna take it out tomorrow I fed my gulper right before i put the snail in the tank and i came back today and he ATE it hes got a big belly and...
  18. lovesharksmorethanmyself

    Bamboo shark is turning red

    PLEASE help I am beginning to get desperate. A few days ago I made a post concerning some red marks on my youngest bamboo that appeared to be abrassions. He has been hatched for around a month. As of tonight, all of his white bands are a tint of red and his underbelly is COMPLETELY bruised up...
  19. M

    Mature Jack Dempsey Won't Eat please help!

    I have a 55 gallon aquarium. I have 1 mature Jack Dempsey, one mature Convict, and one mature bristle nose pleco in the tank. All of the fish are around 5 years old. I have never had issues with any of them eating, the jack Dempsey being the most voracious of the bunch. He has always preferred...
  20. Zak03

    Oscar Died. What did I do Wrong?

    Alright. So I purchased two baby Oscars (red and tiger) from Petco a little bit over a week ago. They live in a 40-gallon tank ( i will upgrade later, don't worry) with two baby sun catfish and two baby common plecos (which I added today). I apologize in advance for the amount of reading you...