
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Zak03

    Baby Sun Cat Behavior

    Hey, I have a baby sun cat in a 40 gallon tank (will upgrade when he grows older). I did a water change today, and rearranged the rocks/decor, although keeping them in the same general area. PROBLEM: The sun cat keeps "freaking out". Swimming frantically against the back glass wall. Other days...
  2. Zak03

    Feeding Oscar Cichlid Problems

    I have two baby oscars, both around 2" long. I got them a week ago. I am having trouble feeding them. I feed them in the mornign when i wake up, and the evening Usually when i go to bed, but not always that late. I bought cichlid pellets that float at first, but after they sit in the water for...
  3. quasar

    Sun Sun 304B in 120g

    Hey everyone! So I have a 120g with a Gulper catfish and a Baby giant gourami. The tank is a fairly new setup (about 1.5 months). I'm running 2 Sun Sun 304B canister filters as my main filters. I was wondering if this would be a strong enough filtration for the gourami as an adult with the...
  4. S

    Resealing question

    Picked up a 180g second hand a couple days ago. Previous owner had just drained it a week prior (allegedly) after upgrading. According to him no leaks or issues etc. Upon inspection a couple spots have some silicone that doesn’t look great but for the most part it is good. Whether they leak or...
  5. N

    Sick? Pleco stopped eating again

    Hi I was hoping for some help. I posted on another part of the forum, specifically in the Pleco section but no replies yet. Since then we have done a water change, all levels good except ph was a little low- we did a ph chem add on a portion of the water change to try to get it closer to 7.0...
  6. N

    HELP Pleco diet/stopped eating

    our big guy is several years old. He had stopped eating regularly and we have been noticing changes in his behavior since switching out his smaller hiding place for a reptile cave appropriately sized for him to hide in. He’s about 13 inches, and I’ve posted about him before. He’s had a variety...
  7. N

    Will my FH develop a kok?

    Hi newbie here.. I just got my fist FH.. i need advice on taking care of it.. i think its kinda pale.. with no color and kok.. just want to ask if its going to develop a kok or change its color..?
  8. Mikeamat0

    Asain Redtailed Catfish

    Hey guys just a quick question. I got an asain redtailed catfish about a week ago maybe a little more. He seemed fine swimming around doing whatever the whole time. The first night of having him i tried feeding him a pellet and he did eat it but ever since than he has just layed vertically...
  9. L

    Baby Gar swim bladder disease? HELP

    Just found my 4" Florida Gar floating on top of the tank. Looks like a swim bladder problem since it can't swim down at all. Just did a 30% water change. Tank is at 80F. What do I do? He looks so lifeless. I don't want to lose the lil guy.
  10. huntery18

    how to tell when my jd pair

    hey guys i have four jack dempseys and they are about 3 and a half inches, recently they seem to all be on edge keeping up towards the center of the water column. one i can identify is definitely female the other 3 i can not tell, how do i know when a male has paired up with my female, i have...
  11. PGJE

    realistic wave maker?

    I'm a noob and I've never tried saltwater but honestly I am more intrigued by it than anything else, and I just wondered if there was any kind of wave maker that made more natural waves, (Moving slower with pauses in between) kind of what you see underwater with the fish slowly drifting back and...
  12. M

    Flowerhorn I REALLY Need Help!

    Hey guys I really need some help, My FH is in a really bad spot. I’ve had this guy for just over a year now and a few days ago I noticed a couple small white dots/ scales on his head. (First pics). I turned the temp in his tank up to 89 degrees and started treating the tank with salt. Over the...
  13. PGJE


    I know I was kind of ignorant and didn't pay much attention to water quality over the past week, but please help. My oscar is laying on his side not moving (still breathing slightly). I know oscars do this when they are scared, and I had added a new decoration just yesterday, but he was fine...
  14. Blu TThe Blue Lobster

    Why did my self-cloning electric blue crayfish abort her brood?

    I am new to this community - Hello all. I have a question about my electric blue crayfish. I purchased my blue "lobster" from Petco several months ago. She was doing great and enjoying roaming the community tank until one day she started hiding a lot and stopped eating. (I now realize she had...
  15. I

    Have I screwed myself?

    So I've just recently noticed that the seals on a 120 (2' x 4' x 4') gallon tank that's been sitting empty which I got secondhand are potentially in bad shape in at least one spot; I was able to get my fingernail underneath one of them and pull it a tiny bit, which from what I know is a sign...
  16. B

    Help! Oscar has spot on eye???

    Hey, my Oscar is about 7-9 inches long, eats actively and looks great, no signs of stress to me anyway.. he has this white spot thing on his eye that started out looking like an abrasion transparent almost but now is more solid white and I’m getting nervous! Please help me figure this out!!
  17. Lars6

    Co2 newbie

    I added co2 to my planted 20 long. I got a UNS mini regulator from and I am running a fluval 2.0 as my light. The co2 keeps running out within days. I’m confused because I keep seeing people that make the paintball canisters last months. Help!
  18. Jacob._.merc

    Fish diseases

    I have a 7 or 8 inch sleeper goby (freshwater) and he seems as healthy as can be! He swims around normal, eats, recognizes me and you know the rest. But i have been noticing he has some things on him. One being these white stringy things and kind of a red bump on his lips. He also has a couple...
  19. Lars6

    Algae Identification And treatment

    I recently set up co2 in my tank and I’ve noticed an abundance of algae. What type of algae is this and how do I prevent/get rid of it.
  20. Lars6

    Help getting my fish to eat

    My 8 cherry barbs I got last week won’t eat. They swim around normally and show no obvious signs of unhealthiness. I have resorted to soaking flakes in garlic guard and they still won’t touch it. I don’t know what to do. Suggestions?