
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Lars6

    None of my fish will eat!

    I have 10 cardinal tetras and a German blue ram in a 20 gallon long that’s heavily planted. I added the tetras last week and I added the ram a few days ago. I lost two cardinal tetras today. On top of this, no one will eat. The cardinals have barley been eating at all this week but now they...
  2. senegalrb

    Help my Ropefish got swallowed!

    Please help. I was dumb enough to buy an endli bichir. And added it to my 120 gal ropefish tank. I feed them a mix of earthworms, squid, fillet fish and an ocassional bloodworm treat. My endli began to bulk up and tonight when i was about to feed them i saw my ropefish tail bit sticking out of...
  3. B

    Flowerhorn sick?

    Just got a new red dragon flowerhorn, he’s about 3.5 inch or so. He just seems a little wired I currently own 2 othe flowerhorns and I don’t get the weird behaviors from them. He is very skittish, sometimes darts around even if I’m not moving. He seems kind of dark in my opinion. And seems to be...
  4. Lars6

    Cardinal Tetra Diet

    I am pumped to say I recently got 12 cardinal tetras for my 20 gallon long. I was planning on feeding them a diet of mainly freeze dried blood worms. Is this okay?
  5. Lars6

    Help with Monte Carlo

    I am currently cycling my 20 gallon long and I have planted Monte Carlo. I divided two pots into about 5 parts each when I planted them. It has now been a week and the Monte Carlo doesn’t look so hot. I have a fluval 2.0, dose seachem flourish once a week, and add API co2 booster once a day...
  6. E

    Betta dropsy

    Someone please help me! I recently found out my beautiful betta has dropsy and I don't know how to help him. I have bought melafix and I am adding that in the tank but it doesn't seem to be making a difference. does anyone know what else I can do to save his life? it is definitely dropsy as his...
  7. Lars6

    I need some advice as to stocking my tank

    I am setting up a 20 gallon long (30by12by12 inches) planted tank. I am going to run a tidal 55 filter (250 gph). I was wondering how many fish would be appropriate for the tank. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  8. neko1

    help problems with my bichirs

    hello, I have a p.senegalus for 3 years now. And yesterday he started doing what I thought was crocodileturning. But today he did it again for no reason at all and after that he stayed on the bottom turned the wrong way for I think 20seconds.(his belly up) And now he is laying weird in the...
  9. T

    what filtration for what size tank

    What is the smallest size tank you would put a sump on?
  10. T

    new filtration

    I have a 200g tank in the way and still haven't decided on filtration. I have never had a tank this big and am not sure where to go. I am thinking about doing two canisters, but I have no clue about sumps. anyone wanna weigh in and shed some light and drop some tips??? Currently there will be...
  11. T

    Oscars changing color

    Hello I am new to keeping Oscars and have a question nobody has been able to answer. I have had five Oscars so far, but two currently, (My Red Devil killed three of them...grrr). but both of the Red Oscars have changed color frequently, while the Tigers have stayed the same for the most...
  12. R

    Jardini arowana tank

    I'm getting a 300 gallon tank and i was wondering if i could keep a jardini aro in it
  13. Addi_13

    New Planted 42 Gallon Tank..PLEASE HELP...

    Hello Guys, First of all I am a completely new to the planted setup. I am setting up a new 42 Gallon Planted tank. The dimension are L 30" X D 18" X H 18". I want to start pretty low tech setup with diy Co2 with yeast, sugar, baking soda formula. I have already purchased few items like...
  14. BGKAuatics

    Green Terror face bitten by catfish

    Hey I’m new to monster fish keepers as a member and I’m wondering what to do about my green terror. I only had him a few days and I bought him and my walking catfish the same day and put them in a 75 gallon holding tank for now and within 48 hours the catfish who is 4.5 inches bit the face of my...
  15. S

    I need help!!!

    Hello anyone reading this. I have a 38 gallon fish tank. I have an Electric Blue Acara, vesentrus Cichlid, Peacock Cichlid, and a bristlenose pleco and they're all peaceful. However I'm looking for more of a predator fish, or even a catfish. However I've been researching for the past week and I...
  16. M

    Help caring for red texas

    Hey i got a red texas hybrid 2 weeks ago and hes doing great in his 75 gallon. Only problem is there's not much info on these fish and i dont know what to trust. What temperature is he really supposed to be at? I keep him at 78 for now. Is that ok? I feed him northfin tropical sticks 90 percent...
  17. SolidSnek

    Catfish For an 80 Gallon

    Hello I Love Catfish. Sadly all the ones i like are too big for an 80 Gallon [Flathead, RTC, TSN, Leiarius marmoratus, oxydoras niger] So if you have seen any of my other threads, they talk about me Getting a Bichir but that is not 100% confirmed, so i decided, that if that plan falls flat i...
  18. T

    New eels new problems!

    Hey yall I got a new spiney eels he’s currently about 14 or so enches long and about an inch in diameter he’s truly beautiful.. but! He incessantly tries to swim into the canisters outflow and he knocks it off and has scraped his head once. Any idea on how to deter him from doing this and...
  19. SolidSnek

    Catfish with a Delhezi?

    So i have recently been posting a lot, about Predatory fish and i decided to go with a Polypterus Delhezi. And i sorta want a catfish that wouldn't be eaten by the Bichir and doesn't bully the Bichir. The Dimensions of the Aquarium are [these are in cm btw] 120x50x50 Any help/ideas will be...
  20. SolidSnek

    polypterus delhezi and xenostomys nigri together?

    Hello I have Decided to go with a polypterus delhezi. I was wondering what i could put with it. I couldn't find anything about a delhezi. So i really like knifefish my favorite is the Clown Knife but it is way too big for now. Also could i get something else [with these 2 if they work]. The...