jack dempsey

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. B

    Rainbow wolf fish tankmates

    Im thinking of adding a rainbow wolf fish to my tank he would be just a little bit smaller than other fish his tankmates will consist of Oscar Green terror Jaguar Salvini Jack dempsey 2 small plecos Any concerns ? Any help would be appreciated
  2. 504 Fish Keeper

    Danios as food

    Can I feed danios to JDs?
  3. S

    Whats wrong with the colour of my jack dempsey

    He is 3 inches long and is feeding on tropical chichlid gram and lives in 650 litres tank. There is no signs of dominance or agression by other fishes. Pls help because the colour is not like other JDs .i also occasionaly feed him blood worms and shrimps.
  4. J

    Starting 55 Gallon Cichlid Tank - Input/Suggestions Appreciated

    Hey everyone, I'm new on the boards, and I'm getting back into the love of messing with my aquarium. I have a 55 Gallon tank with gravel filler, standard filtering (i'll post brand/etc if needed) and heater. I had some rocks we were going to use in our flower gardens, but I acquired them and...
  5. J

    Redoing Tank : What would go well with Jack Dempsey (5inches)

    Good afternoon everyone, I'm new here, and I'm curious as to what you all would recommend with a 5in Jack Dempsey. I believe i've read around enough that they can be somewhat aggressive / territorial, so i'm working on getting some hiding places/caves for him and would love to build the...
  6. Hendre

    Bunch of jack dempsey questions

    as the title suggests i have a few questions about jack dempseys. here we go. 1- is a 65 gal suibtable for a pair? 2-is a boyu fef 230 suitable for a single/ pair dempsey?if not is there a suitable budget filter? 3-best food for dempseys 4-can a dempsey tank be planted? 5- any tips for these...
  7. M

    Help with Electric Blue JD

    I have a baby Electric Blue JD that I have had now for a several weeks. He lives with another baby male EBDJ, dinosaurs bichir, threadfin, 2 clown loaches and a green terror in a 75 gal. They are all babies and have been together, since tank set up on Jan 18th. All of the fish are doing...
  8. swomley93

    Jack dempsey

    Hello i have a jack Dempsey in a 20 gallon long and it won't stop getting this terrible brown algae on everything water pera meters are fine and I feed him shrimp and pellets. Amy way to keep the tank cleaner?
  9. Lil g


    Can someone please help me figure out if I missed my jack dempseys laying eggs.. They are acting like they laid eggs but I just noticed all this behavior yesterday when it looked like they were spawning but I didn't see any eggs... I saw little tiny clear dots coming out of my female and go on...
  10. Lil g

    Could it be true.. Baby's?

    I've had a male and female jack dempsey in a tank together and all of a sudden they are acting real weird.... I Think they are laying eggs! My female keeps going around the tank, stopping for a little bit and then moves somewhere else.. And then my male comes where she just was and hovers.. He...
  11. C

    Got an emergency JD situation, any thoughts

    Hey, just thought I'd toss this one out to y'all... Got a situation in one of my wife's tanks that ended up being a Jack Dempsey pair that are housed in a 29 gallon. Full grown mature m/f couple... They get along, no spawning attempts yet. Were in a much larger tank but were being...
  12. Nativefishkeeper904

    white area around my JD Cichlids eye?

    This white spot showed up on my JD this morning. Is this Normal? I can quarentine him and treat him if I need to. Any suggestions?
  13. E

    South American Cichlids Brooklyn

    I am getting rid of my tanks and the fish need to go first no matter what. Here's what I have: Midas Parrotfish Flowerhorn Vieja Catfish None are babies, they are medium sized fish, not small. Give me an offer. You don't have to buy all of course.
  14. C

    Jack Dempsey help please!

    My first post here, thanks for any help. Love the site. Me and my wife have been trying to get our what we thought was a male/female couple of JD's to spawn with no such success in two years. Tried all the tricks and no action lol not even egg attempts like my O's. So I'm now...
  15. swomley93

    bad brown algea

    I have a 55 gallon, a 20 long and two ten gallon tanks at the moment my 20 long used to have small African cichlids in it, and it always stayed cloudy, I realized they needed a new home so I had them moved to a new home. I replaced every bit of water, well almost.. and all new decorations...
  16. Nativefishkeeper904

    Help sex my new JD?

    I got a baby Jack Dempsey cichlid awhile ago. Can you help me figure out what gender it is? I'm not planning on breeding it I just like to name my fish. Lol
  17. Samantha Ashley

    Sex of my Jack Dempsey

    Hoping someone could help me identify if my Jack Dempsey is a Male or a Female. The picture I am posting with his or her colors being bright is from 5 months ago when I first brought him/her home. The second picture is from 3 days ago. Colors are not as bright anymore but still has a little...
  18. Samantha Ashley

    Sex of Jack Dempsey

    Can someone please help me to figure out the sex of my Jack Dempsey. The first picture is from when he or she was smaller, and 2nd picture is from a couple days ago. Colors aren't as bright anymore. Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  19. swomley93

    Jack Dempsey color change

    Hello, I was wondering if the pH level of your tank water will affect the color of your jack Dempsey ? He's about 4 inches long and is petty colorful but my pH is pushing 7.8 I've read that they like around 6.5 to 7
  20. F

    Jack Dempsey losing scales

    I have a 4. Inch jack Dempsey that was in a hundred gallon aquarium that is cycled ant tested regularly, along with several convicts all under four inches, and a medium sized pleco. When I went away all the fish had no missing scales where healthy. While I was gone one pair of convicts breed(big...