jack dempsey

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Cichlomaniac

    Ca cichlid Agression

    Anybody have any luck keeping Jack's and salvini together with breeding pair of convicts? Just added cons as dithers a week ago and they paired up instantly, (less then a week) started nesting had no clue the sex until now female is bright red/orange and nesting
  2. Ohionick2017

    Juvenile jack dempsey won't eat

    I set up a 55 gallon tank this past saturday and got a jack dempsey that sunday to do a fish in cycle. Since i got him I've done 2 water changes and i haven't seen him eat. I did see white fecies so i bought some api general cure and I put the second dose in today. His colors have come a long...
  3. G

    Green Terror tank mates

    It has been a long time since ive had setup a tank. The GT was always my favorite. I have a 60 gallon and plan on getting a GT and a blue JD ( i understand risks of aggression). i also want to have a con and a firemouth in the same tank. I plan on introducing all at same time. Does anybody have...
  4. G

    Green Terror tank mates

    It has been a long time since ive had setup a tank. The GT was always my favorite. I have a 60 gallon and plan on getting a GT and a blue JD ( i understand risks of aggression). i also want to have a con and a firemouth in the same tank. I plan on introducing all at same time. Does anybody have...
  5. jmf

    Silly me...Listening to LFS instead of you guys

    So today I went out to purchase some Mollies or Swordtails as @duanes, @dan518 etc suggested. So I go to my LFS and let them talk me into purchasing a chocolate Cichlid instead as they kept saying they aren't comfortable selling me Mollies etc with a JD. So I got the chocolate... I think I have...
  6. jmf

    My poor Oscar and my first CA Cichlid

    Hi all, I'm new here so a big hello to all :-) Unfortunately, my Oscar decided to commit suicide by jumping out of his tank, clear across the garage. I found him hours later, blood everywhere :-(. Anyway, I couldn't bring myself to get another Oscar and wanted something with personality but...
  7. Alexander342

    Zebra Danios eating jack dempsey fry?

    I have a couple zebra Danios in a 40 gal breeder with a pair of jack dempsey's that have some fry, they aren't quite free swimming yet but I was wondering if the Danios could possibly eat the fry at night or maybe when the fry are free swimming?
  8. Declanb12

    Jack Dempsey coloration

    So I got my first JD from petsmart about 2 weeks ago. He is a pale beige color with vertical black stripes. He only has a few small blue spots around his gills. Is he going to stay this way, or will he darken up and gain more blue? He's only about an inch and a half to 2 inches long right now...
  9. foristcr

    Platinum Attempt

    Trying to breed Platinum Jack Dempsey's. Blue Gene Gold Jack X Blue Gene Gold Jack Eggs discovered on March 21st Wigglers on March 22nd Free swimming on March 26th I've moved them to a bare bottom 20 gallon tank and have been feeding bbs. These all look considerably lighter than normal Jack...
  10. B

    Jack Dempsey from pet store

    I got a jack Dempsey from the pet store and he looks like he has some old wounds. I was just wondering if anyone can tell by looking. I attached a photo.
  11. Athletic_Amph

    Gunpowder Aquatics

    Has anyone ever purchased from gunpowderaquatics.net before? I'm currently looking to start a JD community in the next couple of weeks, specifically with the different color variants - and they have some pinks available -orrrr if you know someone breeding pink, gold, platinum, or eb jacks on...
  12. J

    Jack Dempsey

    Just wondering but when do they start coloring up ? My little guy is about 3" to 3.5" And I had him for about 3-4 weeks now. The picture was from about a week ago
  13. J

    JD , M or F?

    I was wondering if this little fishy is a m or f ? Unless he/she is still to young to sex.
  14. The Dave

    My Incredibly Beautiful Electric Blue Jack Dempsey ( ebjd )

    This is the largest fish in my fish room, he is also the meanest fish I have ever owned. He will not tolerate any other creature in his tank. Even snails fall victim to his wrath. So, he lives alone! However, he is incredibly smart and beautiful. When he passes I will probably cry, and he will...
  15. The Dave

    Hand feeding My Electric Blue Jack Dempsey ( ebjd )

    I thought that it would be fun, though a bit scary, to hand-feed worms to my 8 inch long Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. He is everyone's favorite fish, but he's a bit of a bully. So, he lives in a tank by himself because he eats anything that goes in with him. It's a great video that I am sure you...
  16. A

    Salvini cichlid tankmates

    I really an looking forward when this fish matures. I have 6 growing out. What size tank would you recommend(in gallons)? And also what possible tankmates could go with a female salvini? And also what kind of filtration for the fish you recommend.
  17. E

    Jack Dempsey pairing help

    I bought a male Jack Dempsey today and put him in my tank with my female Jack Dempsey. The female was fine at first, flashing her colors and staying next to him, flapping her tail. Then about ten minutes later she started biting him and chasing him. So I took him out and put him in my other...
  18. C

    Jack Dempsey won't eat

    Hi, I currently have a juvenile(~2 inches) Jack Dempsey in a 40 gallon tank. The tank is relatively new and has been set up for about 35 days. I introduced the Cichlid to the tank after two weeks of letting it cycle with an old filter had on my 55 gallon tank. When I first got the fish he/she...
  19. The Dave

    Feeding My Electric Blue Jack Dempsey

    Does anyone else hand-feed their fish ?
  20. Larryfish

    Lethargic Jack Dempsey

    Okay. So I bought a jack Dempsey from petco along with a thirteen gallon complete setup 1 day prior to buying the fish. . Anyway. I bought five comet goldfish because I'm new to this and the manager at perform said they would die overnight and that my tank would be cycled and have the bacteria...