Over the course of a year absolutely no violent behaviour from the Jaguar Cichlid, until a couple of days ago where the Jaguar cichlid would non-stop continually attack an Oscar. The Oscar is now separated to allow it to heal.
This is where the odd behaviour part of the question begins.
Hi there, I got this fellow here, was told it's a male by former owner but then I am seeing ads online for a female jag that basically looks the same as my male... Which casted some doubts in my mind.
I looked at a bunch of videos and articles trying to determine this but I am still unsure...
I need to sell these beauties as I want to start breeding but the jaguar kills all the fry every time and well the Eel likes to do Eel things and trys to escape a lot haha.
I am currently looking into upgrading my aquarium set up to a much larger system and was wondering if this could/would work.
Right now,
Aquarium #1 100 Gallon
African Cichlids/ Central American
2x yellow lab 4in (known to get aggressive when larger)
1x zebra mbuna 3in (most aggressive in tank...
Hi there. This is my first post, so I don’t know if it’s in the right category or not?! Lol
I’m looking to start up a project. I’m looking to selectively breed a ‘Super’ Red Tiger Cichlid, keeping the pattern of the RTM, but breeding the reds of the Red Terror into it. Once/ if, I can achieve...
I've finally had time on break to have the 125 gallon set up!! :hearts:
Question, I have four BABIES in the tank as of yesterday. 2" Jaguar Cichlid, he's gorgeous gold. 2" Firemouth Cichlid. 1 1/2" Green Texas. 1" Salvini. My brother got to choose 2 fish for setting it up and he chose the...
I have a jaguar cichlid that has become the runt of the pack. He is a solid 4” and an amazing eater. I don’t want him to die, so I’m putting him up on here. He is currently in a 30 gallon holding tank, but I can sell you a 55 to keep him in. The 55 is $50 (price negotiable) please consider...
I have an 11 inch jaguar who does not eat any kind of pellets. So the only 2 things I feed him is bloodworms and beefheart. He refuses to eat any kind of fish or shrimps either. So I figured i would feed him bloodworms mixed with hikari pelllets. For this I mix the pellets with thawed...
Hi guys,
I'm new here and need help to sexing my jag.
Also i would appreciate if you guys give any advice about my tank setup. I give him/her feeder plattys for diet.
NB: by the picts taken, im still doing water change, so the water level a little bit low
Just thought id shoe my female jag x cuban hybrid. Havnt seen any more out there on the internet. She has paired up with a blue flowerhorn i have but i fear he may sterile. The photos arent the best but you can see her pretty well.
I recently got 2 big jaguar cichlids and I noticed they are not eating at all...
I do have some aggressive eaters in the tank such as snakehead, peacock bass arowana and a RTC
Could that be a problem? Or they still getting used to the tank
Is this possible like with Africans? Was thinking of buying around 70 juveniles (species that are aggressive but stay around 12-14”), raising them together, selling off the most aggressive ones and hopefully ending up with a community of maybe 15-20 pcs for a 180 gallon. The idea would be to...
I got two jaguar cichlids the other day and one is darker than the other one. Does anyone know what gender they are yet? And also why is there color different.