So I "jagged" this pair yesterday for $140, proven and have bread before. (No pun intended)
Male is around 21cm and female around 17cm
Have them seperated right now cause the male is abit of a psycho (as expected)
Only question I have is what's the best thing to feed them? I have chopped up...
Hello all , I have bought two jaguar cichlid baby's and one of them is very bright (body) and the other has a very dark body with more markings did I accidentally pick up a breeding pair you think?
I am looking for some advice on compatible bottom feeders. I have a breeding pair of Jaguar Cichlids and was wondering if there are any really good bottom feeders they would be compatible with, or will my Jags just eat whatever I put in there?
I've had this jag for a couple months now. He started at barely an inch and now I'd say he's (or she) is at atleast 2.5.
For the history I started off with a 40g growout divided with a jewel and salvini. After about two weeks of them barely eating and constantly hiding I began to suspect...
First allow me to say that I know most will not agree with what I am about to say lol .. All I ask is to not be rude about it .. Well after being in the saltwater hobby for a few years I suddenly want to be a American cichlid hobbiest .. Over the last few months I have been researching many...
i have Ehiem 3 canister filter in my 120gal. I have never had a canister filter before and my tank is starting to smell a little and im not sure how to fix the issue. there is a green tint to it that I cant seem to get rid of with weekly water changes ect. im sure there are a lot of different...