My LFS sold me what I thought was to be a juvenile jaguar cichlid but after looking at the fish in my tank for awhile I believed that it was something different. I’m in between on if it is an actually jaguar or a Dovii. Someone please help me identify this fish
Please help I just got back into the fish game after a 9 year hiatus I am setting up a 55 gallon tank tomorrow for 2 jaguar cichlids im stressed about sand or gravel now the guy I am getting the tank from had sand he's used for 3 years and I want sand personally instead of gravel. Also I and...
Hi, i was thinking of doing a large cichlid aquarium but i have some concerns about aggression in the tank.
The fishes i had in mind were 1 green terror
1 red terror
1 electric blue jack dempsey...
Hello guys,
Guys I have a Jaguar cichlids which is about 5” - 6” in a 300 Gallon. Please can you help me identify it’s sex as it’s growing up and I want to know if it’s male as they get very aggressive towards other fishes.
Im about to buy a 100 gallon tank 5ft long about 2ft tall and about 2ft front to back. My plan for the tank is a cichlid tank not african. I was planing to put a jaguar in it with maybe 2 convict cichlids or maybe a madagascar cichlid what type of cichlid would be best with a jaguar cichlid. I...
OK guys I have a green Texas, a buttikoferi, a convict, a golden jaguar, a rettropinnis bichir, sailfin pleco and a flowerhorn I need help sexing. Please drop your knowledge on me. I'm dying to know what I have. Thanks
I just noticed I can now see my 25cm jaguar cichlid's bottom teeth and was wondering if they will start to show more or get bigger as he becomes fully grown?
I recently set up a 40 gallon breeder, which I plan on using as a grow out tank until I can set up a 125 or 150 this summer for a single large cichlid. I've been considering getting either a small Flowerhorn or Jaguar cichlid that I will move to the larger tank this summer. However, I am having...
Hi I recently purchased a new pair of Jaguar cichlids, the female look great and strong, even laid eggs in the lfs. The male seems thin and slightly tilts to one side when swimming. They are both eating well, so far some mysis shrimp and some talapia chunk's and some raw shrimp. They are alone...
Hey guys! I was wondering can I keep my RTG with few SA nd CA cichlids. I have a 8" RTG
I'm thinking to add two 4" oscars, one 3" G Gourami, one 3" Severum, one 2" jaguar, one 2" red devil, one 2" Texas and one 3" green terror! My arowana is currently with a bichir senegalus bichir and it keeps...
Hello everybody. I know this is probably a foolish question as I bought this fish from my LFS that I trust and use most. I am aware that as most fish coloration looks one way as aware juvenile, they will change to a color we identify with most as they age. Right now however, this little guy...
Today we go over everything Parachromis Cichlids with a very special guest, GuapoteMel. Mel has over 4 decades of experience caring for, breeding and raising every species in the Parachromis genus. He shares his secrets to success with all of us in this monster fish keeping 101.
Mel goes over...
Last night suddenly I check my tank & found there are many fries of jaguar I am worried as its community tank and there are AROWANA,OSCARS & SINSPILIM in same tank...suggest me what to do next...
Should I take out those fries alone ?
Should I take out them with their parents ?
Or it...
Join us as we visit the fishroom of a monster fish keeper. This fish room tour features over 9 different aquariums. We are guided through this monster fish room tour of a true monster fish keeper. Dave shows off his amazing collection of gorgeous, huge South American cichlids and Central...
Attaching my jaguar colors...I'm worried because of since laat one month there is no proper coloration in that even feeding and movement is very much proper...can someone suggest what to do and need to change some foods or what ! I'm giving them Hikari bio gold+...