
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. I

    Identifying oscar

    Found this amazing looking oscar and don't know what it's called, can't find a name anywhere. Help would be much appreciated!
  2. S

    Any good chiclid lure suggestions

    Im looking for good lures for oscars and mayans however if you have any suggestions for tilapia especially red belly that would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Racersk

    Goodbye old friend...

    Its been at LEAST 8 years since I took in this monster. He/she is an albino oscar. Tough as nails and hardy! 8 YEARS! 12.5" now and on *her* last legs of this journey known as life. Lost an eye and battled to be the master of her domain against any fish that dare to enter her space...
  4. O

    Giant gourami stocking!

    Hi im setting up a 125 and I would like to know what i could stock with it. Im thinking, 1 gourami 2 oscars 1Pleco 1 chocolate cichlid
  5. VettesAndAros

    Arowana stopped eating after I put in the Oscar

    My silver Arowana was eating perfectly fine (hikari pellets, frozen bloodworms, etc) Then I put in a tiger Oscar and now the aro refuses everything I give him. It's been 2 days and the Oscar is out competing my aro for food and the Oscar spits a lot of food out. The aro jumped and lost some...
  6. Dgmannn412

    Can I do it?

    So I have recently acquired a 180. It's 8 ft by 2 ft square. I have a saddle bichir that's about 10 inches long and a veiled oscar also about 10 inches including fins. They are currently in a 55. I intend on moving them into the 180 how ever I belive that it would still be fairly empty. What are...
  7. greenerinks

    WC Oscar varieties

    Hi everyone, just thought I'd share some of the common WC oscars we have going on in the fish trade here in Asia. I don't see these being posted about often in the western markets. There are many different variants of these with varying colors and marks. Feel free to chime in and I have two on...
  8. cockroach

    310 gal Stock Planning

    After being out of fish keeping for a little over two years I am finally back. I will be redoing this tank after I had to take it down after a little more than a year. Work was just too consuming. The tank is 210cm x 88cm x 67cm. Now I have time again and want to set it up with driftwood and...
  9. GermanDude

    Some questions about new home for an Oscar

    Hello folks, I will buy a new Tank in a few months and would really appreciate some advice, since I got some contradictionary recommendations. So please tell me your opinion and/or suggestions! I will move soon and love Astronotus ocellatus. So I would like to keep one together with a young...
  10. B

    Rainbow wolf fish tankmates

    Im thinking of adding a rainbow wolf fish to my tank he would be just a little bit smaller than other fish his tankmates will consist of Oscar Green terror Jaguar Salvini Jack dempsey 2 small plecos Any concerns ? Any help would be appreciated
  11. F


    I just caught a small mouth bass and introduced it to my tank that has a black wolf and a Oscar. The black wolf is about 7" and the Oscar is about 5" and the small mouth is 8" The smb was so aggressive that it beat up the Oscar and the wolf fish.. I was surprised! it was so mean I had to remove...
  12. H

    150g predator comm water debris

    Hey guys, this is my first post here. I have a 150g predator comm tank with a couple of oscars, a green arowana, a cichla, a giant gourami, florida gar and a tyretrack eel. I do about 30-40% water changes daily and have noticed that my fish are healthy and have a bigger appetite. But the problem...
  13. kody929

    Rare Compatibility question

    Hello everyone how's the fish lol I had a question a few advanced SA aquarist Can answer. I recently received 3x Herichthys bocourti(Golden Mojarra), 3x Caquetaia myersi, those beautiful new Red Tiger Severums, 4x Astratheros/Criboheros robertsoni and some wild Colombian Oscars. They are all 1"...
  14. O

    Oscar acting weird

    Hello, I have a 4 year old oscar that lives in a 150 gallon tank with a female flowerhorn and a plecostamus. For the last couple of days he has been hanging out in the bottom corner in my tank and not moving much, he is also grayer than normal and today has started twitching. He still responds...
  15. O

    critique on sump design for 180g Oscar tank

    I'm new on here so hopefully I posted this in the right place. my wife got me hooked on this hobby and I've been tending her tanks for a while, however, this will be my first. I'm currently setting up my new 180g tank and am trying to design a sump that will be more than sufficient for the...
  16. Angelphish

    Oscar and Tiger Barbs.

    Would a full grown Oscar and full grown Tiger Barbs go together? I have a 7' x 2' x 2' 200 gallon. I was looking into a chocolate cichlid for a tankmate for my Parrot, but I was wondering if there was anything else that I may want to choose between before I buy.
  17. Lil' Jenny

    Stocking Questions and Advice

    I currently have a 120 gal glass aquarium dimensions are 48x18x30. With no plans on upgrading anytime soon. Currently featuring an 8.5" Sailfin Pleco, 8" Senegal Bichir, 5.5" Striped Raphael Catfish, and 5" Pictus Catfish My boyfriend and I would like to add a few more fish but we don't want...
  18. MikebNJ

    FREE | Wild caught Tiger Oscar about 9 inches | $0 | Central NJ | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FREE What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Wild caught Tiger Oscar about 9 inches What are your prices?: 0 Where are you located?: Central NJ Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: I am clearing out a tank which includes a 9 inch wild caught Tiger Oscar...
  19. jamntoast

    Will an Oscar get more aggressive as it ages?

    I've got a wc Oscar who is ~4.5" maybe more and I just moved it in with a group of geo tapajos and uaru amph Who are all pretty much maxed out for size so I'm not too concerned at the moment but can I expect that as he gets older and larger it will become more aggressive? I've never kept...
  20. Sizzy905

    75 Gallon Piranha Tank

    Hi I am interested in starting a red belly piranha tank. My friend just got 5 juveniles and they are just stunning. I currently have a 75 gallon with two 6-7 inch oscars and a 4 inch convict with an AquaClear 110. I do partial water changes everyday say about 10% and I've managed to keep my fish...