
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. David Foster

    2 month Tiger Oscars are still shy

    Hi I'm new to MonsterFishKeepers and this is my first post. My first post is looking for some advice, I have a pair of Oscars that I've had for about 2 months that are still shy and hide when I approach the tank. They have definitely grown since I bought them and they swim around freely until I...
  2. M

    Oscars, Cycling, and Cloudy Water

    Hi there! I set up a new 255L (~67 gallon) tank for my adult oscar about three months ago as I was having unrelated issues with his old one. As it's virtually impossible to acquire clear ammonia where I live, I decided to do a fish-in cycle with six tiger barbs and some filter media from an...
  3. Aquatank

    Oscar "Species SpotLight"

    Do you guys love Oscar! I love them so you will love them as well So here is the thread on how to properly care for your loved ones Overview Oscar fish belongs to cichlid family and are known by scientific name Astronotus ocellatus. They thrive best in their natural habitat which is located...
  4. reapertheoscar


    My oscars have laid eggs twice now neither times have been successful I've been observing alot more now to find out what's going on below I'll have pictures and maybe someone can tell me what they think is happening
  5. joegriggs

    Longfin/Veil Tailed Chili Red Oscar

    I've managed to pick up a really nice specimen "chili" red Oscar, and it's the veil tailed/long finned variant. I'll get some pictures up as soon as he/she arrives tomorrow. For any potential plans that I may have in the future for breeding, I was wondering if I could get some of my fellow MFK...
  6. B

    Question about my oscar

    So my oscar has spots all over him the last couple days that look like sand.. I have a sand substrate and there is some that was floating on the top until I just bought a new filter... so I don't think it's ich because he seems perfectly healthy and isn't rubbing against anything.. is it...
  7. Aquatank

    New Oscar breed ?

    Guys in your opinion can we make a new breed of Oscars from selective breeding of them, Guys let me know you ideas and I some are suitable then let's give it a try. Is that legal to creat a new strain of cichlid at your fishroom or do you need some kind of permits
  8. T

    New here..looking for a bichir group and oscar group..any suggestions?

    Hi, I'm new to signing up to Monster Fish Keepers but I've seen many threads online when looking for advice on bichir and oscar care and behaviors...are here any groups or forums that I can join about bichirs and oscars..suggestions?
  9. O

    Oscar fish-Will this temporary tank be okay?

    Hello! Please excuse me if this is posted in the wrong area, I'm very very new to these forums. I recently received an Oscar as a gift... I know. I don't wanna take him back to the LFS because they don't take care of their fish. The tanks are always in horrible condition and I don't have the...
  10. Dgmannn412

    Lion tail oscar

    I have had this fish from a baby it's been feed hikari marmokrebs crickets and the occasional green horned worm. The photo is real not photo shopped I'm sorry the quality is not 100% but I tryed. I would like to see if i could get some votes for that fish of the month thing.
  11. Dgmannn412

    Lion tail oscar white orange

    I have had this oscar from nickle size. It is paired off with a tiger oscar the same size. I believed it to be a veiled oscar until someone showed me one. I don't think veiled quite fits the description. Anyway let me know what you guys think of my beast. There has been no augmentation to the...
  12. AnthonyFish20

    NEED Help ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have an albino red oscar and he has a tumor what do I do or is it ok to leave it alone plz tell me what to do https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwUtn34-05J4OE82dm5sR21NTmc
  13. R

    Breeding Festae

    My male 4" festae is digging near his pot and is coloured up really nice. But I was wondering if that ment he might be willing to breed? None of the red terrors fight and tank is peaceful. The Livestock In The Tank - 2 Oscars 4" - 4 True Red Terrors 3"-4" - 1 Indonesian Tigerfish 4" - 1 Texas...
  14. M

    my copper oscar doesn't eat

    why my copper oscar doesn't eat?
  15. L

    Tiger Oscars Antisocial- Mother wants to give up

    On Tuesday my mother got 2 Tiger Oscars and put them in her tank, a 10 gallon, yes I know it's too small, it's only for now until she gets a 55 gal. The lady at the store reccomended Omega One cichlid pellets to feed them with. When we put them in the tank, they went to the bottom and hid...
  16. Pravesh Shilotri

    Aligator Gars And Piranhas.!

    Hello Guys I Am Keeping 2 Aligator Gars,2 Red Belly Pacus,2 oscars and one knife fish.! what are your thoughts?
  17. O

    New Tank Help

    Around the start of term my dad brought back to life my 55 gal square tank, and he got these two beautiful Oscar babies, two Green terror babies, a red tailed shark, and an albino pleco... Not realizing how big they all get. Long story short I'm going to build a new tank that's much bigger for...
  18. B

    Tank stocking

    So my question is if have 1 125 gallon W/ common wolf fish 6 inch Endelzi bichir 6 inch Cuban cichlid 10 inch Jaguar cichlid 8 inch The Cuban and jaguar are a mateing pair I also have a 150 gallon W/red wolf 6 inch Fire eel Black diamond cichlid 4 inch...
  19. S

    First time keeping Arowana

    Hi new to mfk, got a 800l tank coming and thinking of putting a silver arowana, ghost knife fish and an oscar in it but not sure if am going to be causing any future problems. Got 7500l/h with an uv light. The tank it self has a footprint of 6.8'x2'x30". Any help and advice much appreciated
  20. L.Z.

    FS | Oscar Cichlid | $15 | Bellflower, CA | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Oscar Cichlid What are your prices?: 15 Where are you located?: Bellflower, CA Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Selling my Zebra Oscar cichlid Great eater, very healthy Size: 7-8 inches Price is $15 I am...