peacock bass

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Miks786

    Beef Heart for Cichla

    Hey guys I just wanted some clarity on beef heart for juvi peacock bass? Is it advisable too feed them it?( Not as a staple diet) Will it boost growth? Is it harmful with digestion? Thanks in advance
  2. MorningStar

    My Update!!!

    Hey everyone, It's been a long minute. Thought I post up a quick video. Enjoy!
  3. AquaScape

    Current Stocklist as of 09/03/2017

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri): .75”-1” -600 available- 8ea. Or 10/70.00 1.5”-2” -80 available- 12ea. Or 10/100.00 3”-4” -100 available- 30ea. Or 3/100.00 5”-6” -1 available- 125.00 Caribe(Pygocentrus cariba)...
  4. AG458

    Peacock Bass Growth Update #1

    I started a growth thread for my pbass, Nitro, a little over a month ago, so I thought I'd update you all on his status. He's grown a little in the a-little-over-a-month-long period. I've turned him off of live food as suggested, and he enjoys eating Hikari sinking carnivore pellets. He gets...
  5. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    Let's see your monster fish HERE ARE MINE

    Let's have a look I'll start it off srry for the crappie pics
  6. Larryfish

    Azul peacock bass pricing

    Found some at the LFS for around 80$ at 6". Is this a good price? I've been looking other places. But all the other selling posts I've seen were from like 2010. And the fish market changes a lot.
  7. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    Tankmate suggestions 300gallon?

    I have a 250 gallon with the following X2 ocelarris peacock bass 3inch X1 mala wolffish 4 inch X1 marbled sleeper goby 4 inch X1 indo tigerfish 2 inch X1 tyre track eel 6 inch Wondering what other oddballs I can add after something in the upper levels and middle levels or something badass
  8. Mfowlie626

    Peacock Bass turned almost black when introduced to pond.

    I recently made an upgrade for my p.bass and built him a 750g pond outside. When I moved him in he had completely normal coloring for a few days but now he has turned almost completely black with only a few spots towards his tail end remaining. The water quality is pristine (0 ammonia 0 nitrate...
  9. N

    Powerhead and Airstone for Dorado and Goonch?

    Hey - What powerheads and airstone would you recommend for 7-8" Dorado's and goonch in a 180 gal? Thanks! - Nick
  10. AG458

    Watch Him Grow: Peacock Bass

    Hi guys- So I saw someone else doing this on the cichlid thread, and I thought it was a good idea. So here's my juvenile peacock bass, Nitro, who is currently the smallest fish in my tank. Attached are some pictures of him. I was also hoping, maybe I could get an ID on him? If you guys have an...
  11. AG458

    Ideal Peacock Bass Live Food Alternatives?

    I've read that peacock bass are daytime hunters; I know that's true, as far as live fish go. What about pellets? Because my fish go through live food in a matter of a few days, getting live food all the time will become expensive. The pellets I've attempted feeding my juvenile peacock bass are...
  12. P

    Introducing live feeders to young bass

    i have 2 baby peacock bass about 2 inch and am looking to start feeding Guppies,danios etc as I have a good population of healthy feeders in another tank but so far my bass have failed to eat one of them when I introduce the feeder into there tank today. Is there something I'm missing here
  13. P

    Sick baby peacock bass

    Any suggestions on what to do colours very faded swims only on an incline and won't eat gills apear to be a bit swollen doesn't look like he will make it through the night without help
  14. Aquatank

    Help me ! Urgent

    Hey guys I need your help my Oscars are going crazy over my cichla in my 125 Gal and I don't have any space to keep him. guys I need your suggestions as quick as possible. His body has scratches in white shade and this top find are becoming pointed rather than being all connected. Guys tell me...
  15. Aquatank

    Help me ! Urgent

    Hey guys I need your help my Oscars are going crazy over my cichla in my 125 Gal and I don't have any space to keep him. guys I need your suggestions as quick as possible. His body has scratches in white shade and this top find are becoming pointed rather than being all connected. Guys tell me...
  16. Aquatank

    Help me ! Urgent

    Hey guys I need your help my Oscars are going crazy over my cichla in my 125 Gal and I don't have any space to keep him. guys I need you suggestions as quick as possible. His body has scratches in white shade and this top find are becoming pointed rather than being all connected. Guys tell me...
  17. Aquatank

    Peacock bass tips or newbee !

    Guys I am new to peacock bass keeping and got the new juvenile about 2 weeks ago He is corentaly on dried shrimp diet and normal cichlid pellets Any suggestion on how to take proper care!
  18. greenerinks

    Terrible news... mass death event :(

    Today is a sad sad day... lost a bunch of my monster fish... I feed my fish every other day as they are all large now. So last night I gave them a hefty meal and did not check until this noon time when I came downstairs to the living room to find a cloudy water disaster. Apparently the PVC hose...
  19. S

    Kelberi in 20 long for life

    hey everyone what would you say if I told you that a kelberi got stunted and was living in a 20 gallon long for life?
  20. B

    My team p b collection

    Hi all, not been on here for a few years - still in the cichla game though.