peacock bass

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. AquaScape

    10/25/18 CURRENT STOCK-LIST!!

    -Piranha- Red Bellies (Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” $10.oo Ea. Or 10/$80.oo 2”-3” $30.oo Ea. Or 4/$100.oo Caribe (Pygocentrus Notatus) 8”-9” ON SALE **$200.oo Ea.** Piraya (Pygocentrus piraya) 5”-6”...
  2. D

    Cichla (Peacock Bass) Babies

    I just bought 8 peacock bass babies they are just 2.5 inch in size. The variety in occelaris as the seller said. Currently i put them to my 60 gallons tank and feed them with market shrimps. Also there are 4 north thailand tiger fish (datnoids) in that tank which are 2.5inch in size. I JUST WANT...
  3. slyme

    Hello...Newbie here

    Hello my name is Denny Puk, im from Indonesia. I just joined today, but thought that I'd finally make an official appearance Luv keeping animals such as fish, dog, turtle, and bird since i was young boy. In 2010 i have Reef Tank (150x80x80cm + sump 80x40x40) and those filtration are DIY, I LOVE...
  4. gotin20

    Peacock basses for sale In New York area

    Selling peacock basses around 10 inches big 100 $ each and 12 inch big temensis 160 Pick up only!New York area !!!
  5. Miks786

    Sick PB please help?

    Hey guys this morning when i fed my PB they were all good.. Now noticed one of them has like a popeye on one of his eyes..What could be the cause of this? he is floating around and trying to jump out the water.. Could he have been attacked by another fish or water? Please help Is it contagious?
  6. gotin20

    Peacock bass for sale in NY area

    Selling a peacock bass -100$
  7. AquaScape

    NEW STOCK! Africa & More

    15"-18" Fire Eel SHOW SIZE $225 6"-8" Silver Arowana - $85 6"-8" Ropefish - $20 6" Elephant Nose - $35 6" Indo-Pacific Tarpon - $85 5"-6"...
  8. Miks786

    P.Bass eating Red wiggler worms?

    Hey MFK Has anyone ever fed red wiggler worms to baby cichla(1 inch)? I have 5 baby azuls that only eat blood worms at the moment and i dont want to feed them live fish...I want to grow them to about 5 inches before pellet training.. Would red wiggler worms help with growth rate? TIA ;)
  9. Miks786

    Baby Blue Azul P.bass Care?

    Hey guys I will be collecting 5 of these baby blue azul bass tomorrow which are like an inch each... I always struggle to keep them alive when small...What’s the best care for them so I won’t lose any? TIA
  10. Miks786

    Hujeta Gar with P.bass?

    Hey MFK My lfs recently got in small hujeta gar 2" and blue azul p.bass 2" Would they be fine together? Will the hujeta grow as fast as the bass?
  11. AquaScape

    Stock-List 6/22/18!!

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” $8.oo Ea. Or 10/$70.oo Caribe(Pygocentrus Notatus) 2”-3” $35.oo Ea. Lobetoothed Piranha(Pygopristis denticulate) 2.5”-3” $35.oo Ea. Xingu(Serrasalmus rhombeus) 7”-8”...
  12. H

    Help me out with my kelberi pcbass

    I have two bass that are around 7" now and all there eatting is blood worms still and here and there if I mix beef heart or fish eggs with the worms they will accidentally eat them. But I really would like to get them two eat krill so i can but them in my 240g with a 16" arowana. And two...
  13. TheWolfman

    The Official Wolfmans tank thread

    Hey guys I figured I’d finally just start my own build thread, and share my photos with my fellow Cichla freaks! Some shots with my Canon...
  14. dwsdarius

    Can Arowana live in a tank with flow???

    Hello everyone! I just moved my 9 inch silver arowana from my 125g to my 210g (not its final tank) which has a circulation pump at the surface for better oxygen exchange. The flow pushes the arowana around a lot but when I turn off the pump, the arowana and other fish start breathing hard being...
  15. pdiddy010

    Pbass with gar?

    I’ve got a deposit on two foot long pbass, one azul and one Orinoco, LFS says that they aren’t aggressive, both pellet trained as well. They would be going into a 400 gal indoor pond with one 15” Florida gar and 24” longnose gar. Would there be any problems with that. both gars are extremely...
  16. AquaScape

    Stock-list 04/23/18!!

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” SOLD OUT 4”-5” SOLD OUT Caribe(Pygocentrus Notatus) 9”-10” SOLD OUT Xingu(Serrasalmus rhombeus) 7”-8” $550.oo Ea. 8”-9”...
  17. bassinmike85

    LFS Cichla Azul Growout Thread

    I will keep all updated pictures/video's in this thread. for now the azuls are with a jardini in a 20g long growout tank.Fluval Hob filter, water temp usually 84 at nigt and 85 during the day. I dont remember the brand of heater but i know its a 200w heater. Got a air bubbler hooked up to 2...
  18. TheWolfman

    Did someone say water change?

    Hey guys I figured I would share my latest addition to my setup with my fellow Cichla members. After lugging buckets and draining tank water into my kitchen sink I came up with a solution to make my life a bit easier (and the wife a bit happier). I decided to run a drain to the back of my fish...
  19. T

    300 gallon stocking

    Hi I’m new to MFK and I was wondering if I could have any more tank mates in my 300 gallon tank. I have a silver arowana, three kelberi peacock bass and an Oscar. I was thinking about a clown knife or a tiger shovel nose. Thanks and would love to hear suggestions.
  20. AG458

    Tank Update!

    I've had my current 60g (long) tank up and running since last summer. Despite my taste for large fish, my current stock is doing very well together. My current stock is as listed below: x1 Common Plecostomus x1 Azul Peacock Bass x1 Polypterus Endlicheri x1 Silver Arowana (Surprise!) Please keep...