peacock bass

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. F

    3/6/18 Monster Updated stock list.

  2. P

    Help!Dull/Dark Coloration of Wild Caught Peacock Bass

    I have a personal Pond in tropical Indonesia. The local pond, or to be precise a golf course man made lake, has established colonies of tilapia, snakehead, pacu, pangasius catfish etc. A few years ago, I introduced baby Peacock Bass( Cichla Monoculus ) in the 3-5cm range. Recently, as an...
  3. spencer0t

    Pond stock

    i have build my own pond 5 foot deep it would be big enough if I wanted to put all of the stock in it but my question is the compatibility of the stock here’s my list so far 1 Indo pacific tarpon 1 African pike 1 Temensis peacock bass 1 clown knife 1 Florida gar And possibly a largemouth bass...
  4. D

    How to feed newly bought Peacock Bass

    Hello guy, I just bought these kelberi bass babies. They are just 3 inches long. But i have no idea about how to feed them. After 1 day i fed them frozen bloodworms. But they all rejected. Then i fed them some little guppies and ate fine. But im planing to feed them fresh shrimps (not live)...
  5. P

    Looking for a Monster Fish & Peacock Bass Club Speaker in the US.

    Looking for a Monster Fish & Peacock Bass Club Speaker in the US. I am with the The Rocky Mountain Cichlid Association, and I am looking to have our club fly in a speaker to do a power point talk on Monster Fish and Cichlids in October of late this year, maybe someone who has footage on their...
  6. Ankit Naidu

    Cichla ID please! Urgent!

  7. AG458

    Can I get an ID confirmation?

    I've had him for a while now, and I've still been wavering on the species ID. I'm not 100% sure, but I'm thinking Tem. Thoughts?
  8. AquaScape

    Cichla melaniae

    We got a beauty of a Xingu Peacock Bass here looking for a great tank to go in! It is currently about 9''-10" and going for $250.oo
  9. D

    Ammonia spike help please!

    I have a 75 gallon bowfront. I currently have a LMB about 4”, a 5-6” peacock bass, and a 2” bluegill all from a breeder. I cycled the tank for alittle over a month with a HOB 75 gallon aqueon quietflow and a HOB 40 gallon filter at the same time. Gravel, some rocks and a mix of fake plants and I...
  10. AquaScape

    Current Stock-list! 12/22/17

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” $8.oo ea. Or 10/$70.oo 3" $30.oo ea. 4”-5” $40.oo ea. Or 4/$140.oo 5"-6" $75.oo ea. Caribe(Pygocentrus notatus) 5”-6”...
  11. dwsdarius

    Hey everyone, round 2 for mystery Cichla ID

    Hey everyone, a couple of months ago I posted picks of my 2 cichla and no one could give me a direct ID so here's my second shot now that they are bigger. Sold to me as cichla Kelberi (definitely not kelberi) from Petzone Tropicals...last time some suggested its either temensis or piquiti...I...
  12. Cabinetman 1

    Need Advice: Sudden Ammonia Spike

    I just checked water parameters on both my 120 gallon tank with 6 Red Hook Silver dollars and 220 gallon with two peacock bass. The ammonia on the 120g is at 1ppm, nitrites are at 0mgl and the nitrates are at 25mgl. The pH has also dropped from 6-6.5 to 4-4.5. The tank has been established...
  13. AquaScape

    New & Updated Stock-List 10/25/2017

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” $8.oo ea. Or 10/$70.oo 3”-4” $30.oo ea. Or 4/$100.oo 4”-5” $40.oo ea. Or 4/$130.oo Caribe(Pygocentrus notatus) 3.5”-4.5” $45.oo ea. 5”-6”...
  14. M

    Cichla Kelberi have been moved

    Hi all Long time reader first time poster. Thought it was about time I showed off my Kelberi. Recently relocated so a small amount of damage and colours are still improving by the day but I'll start with these pics and update as they improve...not bad now to be fair...
  15. greenerinks

    New pack of wild red eye Orino and xingu

    Just giving a sneak peak of the new pack of bass I just received. These are day one pictures. 3x red eye orinos and 2x xingus. The coloration is absolutely amazing.
  16. John Franzwa

    Best thing to feed?

    Hello everyone I was curious about peacock growth and what is the best food besides live food? I will also be trying many foods and uploading how successful they are!
  17. dwsdarius

    Cichla ID Needed

    Hello, I bought two peacock bass a few months ago from petzone tropical online labeled as cichla kelberi. I can definitely say that they are not kelberi, they look like temensis...but not completely like temensis, I'm seeing more gold in these then that which I have seen on temensis. I think...
  18. Miks786

    Peacock bass with Calvus??

    Hey guys, My LFS recently got some Black pearl calvus and I was thinking about getting a pair.. I have a grow out tank with 3 peacock bass about 6cm each. Would it be fine too keep the calvus with them or wont it last? TIA
  19. Miks786

    White Shrimp

    Hey guys Has anyone used this white shrimp before from ocean nutrition? Is it any good for fish growth?
  20. AG458

    Cichla Update #2

    So Nitro's been getting bigger, off of the Hikari carnivore pellets and shrimp pellets I've been feeding him. He's not as crazy as he used to be, but he's right up at the front of the tank when it's feeding time. He's afraid of my datnoid-my small, shy datnoid-for some odd reason. He's an...