So a week or so ago I posted asking if my GT was male or female. Got mixed responses so unsure where to go from here. Although, GT has just cleared out a spot and is guarding it ferociously, even attacking me when I get down to look st the spot. It is completely on the other side of the tank...
Hello MFK,
Keeping Delhezi Bichirs has been a very big Wish of mine for the last few years. I prepared a long time , before buying my first two Dels this February (i often read that it's easy to gender polys).
They were both worm-size (~2"). Becaus i wasn't shure if they'r male or femal i...
I have hunted for a marbled for a long time, and hoping it’s male. But I have a feeling it’s female
It would NOT stay still, so really struggled to get a half decent photo
Hey there fellow fish-a-holics! I’m sure there have been 100 posts like this before but I can’t see any that help with my particular Jaguar cichlid. I have two and have had them from 1inch fry. I’d really like to see if they are big enough to tell their gender yet. The larger one is 5-6 inches...
Hi guys
Need your help. Today after work i will finally get my green terror (for my 120G tank). Now i really do want a male and half an hour ago i went to my pet store (during lunch) and saw this guy. I have a feeling that's a male but would really like to know your opinion. He/she is the most...
I got my flowerhorn from a friend about a week ago and started wondering what type of flowerhorn he is and will his body shape improve? not talking about the hump(kok) or the coloring but the actual body. Will it get better once it gets bigger? Thank you for the answers
i was wondering if my Texas is a male or female. Also is my Texas getting a hump on its head or is that a normal head shape. Really wanting a male. Heard the hump is a good sign of male.
i just bought three doviis and was wondering if any of y’all can tell what sex they are. The first one is the first dovii, the second and fourth pic is the second dovii, and the third and fifth pics are the last dovii.
Hello there!
I bought this green terror, sold as a female, but I'm not quite sure it is a female, its small still maybe 3-4 inches.
It has the "female" dorsal fins less pointy and flowing. But the body "stripes" seem male. And I'm not sure if you can sex them by the "warpaint" as you can with...