
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. kody929

    Sexing Ornatum

    Hello everyone I have recently purchased two ornatums for 60$ ... Yea I'm still suprised and jealous of myself lol I I couldn't believe it but that's what I love about this hobby. Anyways I figured if I didn't try and breed these fish id be doing a disservice to the hobby and species. One is...
  2. B

    Sexing Mini Marble stingrays

    I've recently purchased a (stunning) mini marble. Out of curiosity does anybody know how to sex these?
  3. E

    Help sexing Juvenile Jack Dempseys

    Hi! Can anyone help me sex my two juvenile JDs? The lower gillplate markings and body shape/fins might be indicating two females? I was hoping someone could prove me wrong here, as I am hoping for atleast one of them to be male.. The first 3 photos are of the smaller one, the last two is the...
  4. V


    Can anyone help me figure out what sex my jag is, I've had people say it's a male and others tell me it's female
  5. Mark Pogarasteanu

    my first Flowerhorn sexing, pairing and breeding experience

    Hi. I want to share with you a fun flowerhorn story. About 7-8 months ago, I bought what appeared to be a ZZ fader, which turned out to be male, and about a month ago, a ZZ female. male: female: Actually, sexing the male was a bit of a challenge, since when I got him, I was told he was a...