
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. C

    Green terror sexing

    I was wondering if you can tell if this is a boy or gir terror.
  2. koh the face stealer

    Help Sexing Gold Severums

    I've had these three sevs since they were babies in a 60 gallon. Two of them seemed to pair off. They did the twitching, rubbing on each other, lip locking and scooting the sand to find some flat hard surface to lay eggs (is that how they spawn on flat rocks?). Since they started doing that...
  3. C

    Jaguar cichlid male or female

    Can anyone tell if this jag is a male or female yet?
  4. B

    Help sexting my flowerhorn?

    got a flowerhorn need help sexting and type of FH ??
  5. Nilsafeller

    Sexing jack dempsey

    Haveing a hsrd time sexing my jd... pointed fins like a male... about 8 inches length at 10 months of age but full gill plate of colour and more torpedo shapr like female... also my texas female flirts with the jack like crazy and turns black like she bout to lay eggs
  6. M

    Question with New blue Kafa Flowerhorn

    Just bought this little guy yesterday, really hoping for feedback what you think it's gender is.
  7. F

    Umbee: Male or Female?

    Anyone know whether this Umbee is a male or female. Some expert advice would be greatly appreciated. These are the only photos I have from the seller. 12cm TL. Thank you members.
  8. M

    Jack dempsey sex? Male or female?

    Hi everyone, I really need some help with this one, I need to see if anyone can identify the sex of this jack dempsey that I am planning to purchase on Friday. I am thinking it is a male as it hasn't got a blue beard ect.. but what do you guys think any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  9. dwsdarius

    Sexing Jack Dempsey Cichlid

    Hey, I've had my JD for a year and assumed it was a male, but just a week ago someone gave me another one that definitely is a male and makes me question the gender of my original. Any thoughts?
  10. Norrell Williams

    Need help with salvini cichlids

    i just got in my 3 salvini cichlids yesterday and I'm having a really tough time sexing them. I'm thinking i have 2 males and 1 female i was hoping 1 male 2 females, but anyways they haven't really colored up yet i guess from stress from traveling so i didn't snap any pics yet i may take some...
  11. GoldFinger

    Can anyone sex my Jewel please?

    Just wondering if I have a male or female thank you in advance.
  12. GoldFinger

    Help sexing green terror & Jewel Cichlids

    Despite reading countless threads I would appreciate someone’s expertise! I also posted a thread in the breeding section for those who have experience with Blue Texas & Jack Dempsey hybrids. Please see pictures Cheers!
  13. B

    Green terror sexing

    Hey y'all been a while since I've posted any thing.. I've recently acquired a green terror and am unsure if it's a male or female so I was hoping Y'all could help me out.
  14. Addi_13


    Hello guys, Guys I have a Jaguar cichlids which is about 5” - 6” in a 300 Gallon. Please can you help me identify it’s sex as it’s growing up and I want to know if it’s male as they get very aggressive towards other fishes. Regards, Additya
  15. Mugsyc

    Help dovii

    Need help to i.d male and female dovii going to get some today . Thier only about 2 inches so anything that could help me thanks
  16. Mvrenko

    Gendering OB peacock

    Hello all! A few weeks ago I purchased a juvenile OB peacock. Trying to gender this early is complicated I have realized. I am not experienced enough to vent. Is anyone able to help me predict what gender my OB is? He/she has yellow egg spots on the anal fin and orange on the tale and dorsal fins.
  17. baxtor_lex

    Midevil Sexing

    Hi again guys, so quick transition from community, to convict, back to a nice "midas" But this one is throwing me, it was twice the size of its "siblings" and the forehead (i thought small kok growth) instantly made me think male, so very excited i bought it, but now a tube has appeared and i...
  18. baxtor_lex

    Abit of a easy one - Convict Sexing

    Hi guys and girls hope you've all been well. After loosing my big RD hybrid i went into community fish for a little while, but iv started to get the cichlid itch again and ended up buying a little convict. Hopefully going to get a nice tank set up for it with possibly some firemouths but at the...
  19. Mbielek

    Is my Green Terror male or female?

    Been reading up on the differences between male and female green terrors, but I am still uncertain on which one I may have. Here are some pics to help out, please comment back and give me some pointers on what to look for when determining the sex if this cichlid. I'm very curious because I now...
  20. H

    Sexing Electric Blue acara??

    Can anyone help me in sexing this Electric Blue Acara? I picked it up at my lfs the other day and i would like to go back and get another of the opposite sex so I can eventually breed them! I've had a couple people tell me what they thought it was but some said male and others said female and...