
  1. N

    Sick? Pleco stopped eating again

    Hi I was hoping for some help. I posted on another part of the forum, specifically in the Pleco section but no replies yet. Since then we have done a water change, all levels good except ph was a little low- we did a ph chem add on a portion of the water change to try to get it closer to 7.0...
  2. Sarahmander

    Albino is acting weird... again

    This time he is pooping stringy white stuff. He's still eating voraciously, but he isn't as active as he was. He's also probably stressed because my other senegal has been bullying him a bit. Considering separating the two. Water parameters are fine, temp is 78, all other fish are okay. I saw...
  3. Sarah J

    I don't know what the eff is wrong with my fish

    Okay let me start by saying I know internal parasites can be common or are common with aquarium fish. Well, I have never dealt with it. My water parameters are exactly where they need to be and don't really change. I am not visibly seeing any parasites. So, about 4-5 weeks ago I started...
  4. HybridFinatic

    Flowerhorn stomach cramp?!?

    a couple weeks ago I got this fh from petco and seems to have a lot of potential and all and I take great care of it but something on its left side of it’s stomach is bothering me and I wondering if you all knew anything about it. In this picture you can see in indent in its stomach or tightness...
  5. M

    Flowerhorn I REALLY Need Help!

    Hey guys I really need some help, My FH is in a really bad spot. I’ve had this guy for just over a year now and a few days ago I noticed a couple small white dots/ scales on his head. (First pics). I turned the temp in his tank up to 89 degrees and started treating the tank with salt. Over the...
  6. Jacob._.merc

    What's wrong with my Jade goby?

    My goby has these strange bumps in his mouth and 3 on his side. The 4 in his mouth look like pimples of some sort and the ones on his side look like a bunch of bumps in a large pile. There are 3 of these. He lives with a Raphael cat, a synodontis ocellifer and a goldiela eques. Any ideas? I...
  7. B

    Help! Oscar has spot on eye???

    Hey, my Oscar is about 7-9 inches long, eats actively and looks great, no signs of stress to me anyway.. he has this white spot thing on his eye that started out looking like an abrasion transparent almost but now is more solid white and I’m getting nervous! Please help me figure this out!!
  8. B

    Help, sick green terror

    Noticing some fading on him, his orange tips are now white at the ends??? He seems very interested in food but spits it all back out after eating. He has long white stringy poop. And somewhat normal behaviors, been treating with melafix api, no help, any ideas!?!?
  9. GoldFinger

    Can anyone identify this CLEAR WORM??

    Hey Guys I have a completely see through clear looking worm in my hospital tank. I have been treating a sick paratalapia Cichlid with an unknown issue for weeks now doing seperate treatments of melafix, paragaurd, Kanaplex and salt. Oddly enough the filter just stopped working yesterday but I...
  10. aes1687


    Hey everyone, so about a year ago, i was keeping this baby juruense and it got sick. It completely lost its tail. Eventually, it started getting better, started eating and growing its tail back. However, only its upper tail grew back, not its lower tail. Ive left it be ever since, thinking that...
  11. M

    PH killing my flowerhorn?

    new flowerhorn for a little over a week. LFS ph is near 8 I believe, and mine is 6. Big difference. Accolomated the fish in a few hours with drip and it seemed fine when I finally put it in. I noticed later that day it got stress bars and I assumed the ph was still to low and would need way more...
  12. E

    Betta dropsy

    Someone please help me! I recently found out my beautiful betta has dropsy and I don't know how to help him. I have bought melafix and I am adding that in the tank but it doesn't seem to be making a difference. does anyone know what else I can do to save his life? it is definitely dropsy as his...
  13. N

    Urgent: my barb is sick

    Hi. I want to ask for advice and help. I have a tiger barb that is still 4 cm long. I have kept him since 3 months ago. 2 weeks ago, he became sedentary and now he got what looks like a wound that is located at the bottom part of the body or should i say the belly. The wound color is red and it...
  14. neko1

    help problems with my bichirs

    hello, I have a p.senegalus for 3 years now. And yesterday he started doing what I thought was crocodileturning. But today he did it again for no reason at all and after that he stayed on the bottom turned the wrong way for I think 20seconds.(his belly up) And now he is laying weird in the...
  15. H

    Flowerhorn Belly bloat

    Hi I’m new to this site and I’m also a new fish owner. I don’t have much experience. My neighbor gave me his Flowerhorn. I believe she has belly bloat. She stopped eating and floats at the top of the tank. Her belly is really big. She has white stuff collecting on her butt. I started water...
  16. Chinnavar

    Dwarf Gourami: Iridovirus?

    Hello, About a month ago I decided to get a dwarf gourami for my 10g tank which housed 3 oto's and a buttload of shrimps. My initial thought was to keep the shrimp population in control while also keeping the gourami happy with fresh food, which worked for a while before he snapped and ate 95%...
  17. Oz fish guy

    To dechlorinate.. or not to dechlorinate

    So i have been wondering.. say my fish gets sick. Ich or sunken belly or what not. Can i keep the fish in plane old water to eliminate the bacteria/parasite thats infecting the fish.. i wonder this because we put all types of funky things in our water to keep it free of bacteria. So if tap water...
  18. E

    Blue Jack Dempsey

    I have a 3in blue jack dempsey that I havent had any problems with. Last night I fed him his first feeder fish which he demolished. Today he is swimming with his mouth wide open and at times appears to be trying to regurgitate something. I can see in his mouth and there doesn't appear to be...
  19. C

    Sick EBJD, Please Help!

    Hey guys! new comer here:) My electric blue jack dempsey is showing symptoms of being sick but I'm not sure what he has. He is living in a 125 gallon aquarium with 1 blood parrot - 3 inches, 3 angelfish 2.5-3 inches, a common pleco 7 inches, 5 zebra danios and 1 otocinclus catfish ( I haven't...
  20. M

    polypterus ill, please help, urgent

    Hello.. I am a research assistant in the ichthyology dept at the American Museum Natural History. We have an aquarium behind the scenes, and we have 2 african lungfish, each in identical tanks. We have had them for years and there have been no problems until now. One lungfish is perfectly...