
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. M

    lungfish urgent help needed

    Hello.. I am a research assistant in the ichthyology dept at the American Museum Natural History. We have an aquarium behind the scenes, and we have 2 african lungfish, each in identical tanks. We have had them for years and there have been no problems until now. One lungfish is perfectly...
  2. T

    Flowerhorn is sick but I don't know what he has!

    Hello, I got a new blue diamond flowerhorn about a month ago and just about three days ago he stopped eating and is just sitting at the back of the tank with a slightly swollen belly, white on the edge of his fins and his kok shrunk significantly. He is in a 75 gallon at 78 degrees with 0ppm...
  3. Capt_Rick_Dixie

    The Luckiest Little Fahaka...

    TLDR; Baby Fahaka sucked in air. After trial and error and a few days in critical condition I popped him. Now he's a perfectly healthy little terror. Alright, so before I begin to tell the story of how I ended up with a baby Fahaka I do want to say that some of you may not agree with the...
  4. Night owl

    Questions about fire eels

    I just bought a fire eel for my 33 gallon it seemed normal at first but after a few hours I noticed these weird white dots on it I assumed ich when I added the does I usually add for scaless fish about 5 minutes later it turned almost a white I was wondering if anyone could explain this as he is...
  5. Night owl

    Fire eel is completely white

    Hi I was wondering if I could get some help I purchased a fire eel and 2 bolivian rams at my lfs today and I noticed these white specks on the fire eels tail so I thought it was ich so I added 1/3 dose to the tank to see if that helps. We'll now the eel is completely white and I'm unsure what to...
  6. R

    White Spots on Fire Eel?

    Hello, I've noticed numerous white spots on my 10-12" fire eel. I can't tell if it's ich or some disease, or if it's just the eels natural paterns developing. I tend to over-worry about this guy, so this could be nothing. But I wanted to ask to be safe. Pictures attached. Anyone know what...
  7. Michibi

    Help! Sick African Lungfish!

    Hi everyone! Huuuuuge fish noob and forum noob here please bear with me. I work at a fish conservation lab at my uni and I'm concerned for this lungfish we have. To get straight to the point we have an African lungfish who I haven't seen eat in months (we feed reptile pellets and worms which...
  8. Jakec96

    Help!! Jewel cichlid not eating

    I have a turquoise jewel cichlid who's not eating and it's been a few days. Whenever I feed the tank he comes to the top like everyone else but doesn't take any food down, he just taps the food with his mouth. I think he's having trouble opening his mouth because it looks like he wants to eat...
  9. J

    Please help... panicking

    Hey guys, been shadowing your forums for a long time but this is my first post. I do a lot of research and am very careful so I have not needed much assistance in the past. Unfortunately, I do now. Here's my story, 60 gallon freshwater, been established for a few months. Penguin 350 with 2 bio...
  10. ZidanSanz

    Senegalus Bichir Swollen Anal Fin? Help!

    I just wonder why his anal fin swollen like that? He is eat and act like normal one (not like a sick or ill fish). Anybody can help me what's wrong with him? Thanks before :)
  11. A

    HELP! my Flowerhorn is darkening and vibrates/shivers

    My flowerhorn is about 3 inches now. It will be 3 months old this coming Nov. 10. I transferred it to a bigger tank two weeks ago. Since then, its color turns darker and darker everyday. He is very aggressive though as always. Eats a lot as always. And plays around the tank (goes up and down and...
  12. E


    my marble catfish is really acting weird. he's normally always hiding during the daylight but he's been just laying in one spot since yesterday and is very pale, has no appetite at all, and normally he has the biggest appetite. and this morning I guess he freaked out and took off straight out...
  13. E


    he's pale and barely moving and just laying at the bottom in one spot. he doesn't want to eat and he usually has the biggest appetite. and apparently earlier this morning he smashed out the top of the tank, thankfully my friend was in the room and got him back in the tank quickly. any advise...
  14. xDestro

    TaILless platy

    Today I noticed that my biggest platy has almost all of his tail missing and I'm not sure what could have done it, I have around a 2 inch opaline female gourami and 2 small rose lines that have been in there for almost a week and a small around 1 inch striped raphael catfish that I put in 2 days...
  15. jeff meredith

    I need help!!! Fast

    Ok, my jaguar has been having some problems. I have apparently not been aware of said problems though. I've had him for almost 10 years now. Recently (about 30 days ago now) I put some convicts in the tank with him. And even more recently, some crawfish. So first he started losing interest in...
  16. Larryfish

    Lethargic Jack Dempsey

    Okay. So I bought a jack Dempsey from petco along with a thirteen gallon complete setup 1 day prior to buying the fish. . Anyway. I bought five comet goldfish because I'm new to this and the manager at perform said they would die overnight and that my tank would be cycled and have the bacteria...
  17. Christian Tinoco

    Characteristics of Healthy Fish

    I was wondering what exactly does a healthy, comfortable fish look like and do? Like what are some of the more common trait's based off of years of fishkeeping from members here: Color, size, maybe aggression, activity levels, natural behavior? I don't think or know of scientific proof that...
  18. Brock11

    Help please. Fish I got today looks to have a few problems.

    so I order this elong from aquascape last Thursday and it came in today. I noticed when I put it in the tank that it's tail was pale and doesn't look healthy. The fish is acting normal and swimming but again I've only had it for 9 hours. Can anyone tell me what the problem is and how I can...
  19. jamntoast

    hith? bacterial pitting? whats going on here

    hey so my severums are showing some abnormal pitting or marks on the "face". on the smaller one in particular I've noticed its gotten worse with some areas whitish but not fuzzy at all. no redness or open sores from what I can tell either, the sensory pitts just look bigger. the tank is a little...
  20. G

    help: stingray has red mouth

    Hi guys, need some help. My stingray suddenly developed redness in its mouth and i see it opens its mouth widely when it climbs the glass or glides on water. It has been like this for a week now and it also stopped feeding. It is still quite active but probably because it is irritated /...