
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. H

    endli is sick :(

    hi, i bought an endli about 5 or so months ago. he's gotten much bigger since then, and thicker. up until recently hes been eating well, often getting a nice bulge when he eats. recently, he has been coming up for air differently. its like he cant move his fins properly and he wobbles from side...
  2. Lil g

    I need healthy Gils.

    I'm trying to figure out if my jack dempsey is sick.. In particular have fluke worm.. Has all the signs.. Anyone with a large jack dempsey, please can u post a picture of ur healthy Gils on ur jd.
  3. Lil g

    Inactive fish.

    My jack dempseys have been acting way different the last 2 days... They won't even swim or move for that matter unless I bang on the glass...even if the light is off they still just sit there with there Fins pinned back.. All my numbers in my tank are perfect so it has nothing to do with...
  4. T

    Solid red spots in fin?

    Hey everyone just got another question and I'm worrying about one of my fish I just moved so I had to move all of my fish but I also upgraded to a 120 gallon which is awesome, I can add some pictures if you'd like.. Tanks been up for about two weeks now I have been using safe start I transferred...
  5. N

    Weird bump

    I have a smooth river back sting ray that has a 12 inch disk. We noticed two large bumps on his head and are not sure where they cam from or are...has anybody ever experienced this? He also has been barley eating. He with mouth the food but wont consume it. Weve tried garlic to help. His poop...
  6. C

    Red streaks on tails

    We have had a pond since 2005. Approximately 1500 - 2000 gallons. 2 Large Butterfly Koi, 1 sml-med butterfly koi, 1 large shubunkin. Just noticed that the White & Red Large butterfly and the sml-med Yellow butterfly have red streaks in their tails. Just did test strip test. Absolutely no...
  7. E

    My new bichir is sick please help!!!!!

    My new del seems to have gotten sick..I'm still pretty new to these guys. Can someone please help me try to save him
  8. F

    PLEASE HELP : My spotted gar has turned white

    Recently as my dad was helping me to clean the tank. My gar suddenly jumped out. He was okay once we put him bac in. And even ate a fish. But a day or two later he suddenly started turning white. Its not pale. Its white. Only his head, underbelly and tail were okay. We kept changing the water...
  9. T

    More problem with my fire eel! Please help

    Hey guys I've had this fire eel for about 2 years now he has grown to about 8 inches since I've had him and periodically it looks like he gets little scrapes it's a discoloration almost white that appears to be underneath his slime coat, sometimes this appears one morning and they are gone or in...
  10. J

    Sick black ghost knife

    Got a 2 y/o knife fish, approx. 25cm long and has fin rot (treated with pimafix - recommended by aquarium store), however he is also having trouble breathing, swimming around for a short time and then lying down on his side on the floor... he is also not eating which is weird, especially for...
  11. E

    What is wrong with this Cichlid?

    Hello everyone, My Meeki has been sick for last two days. It happened over night. I found him hidden stuck in the cave. After getting him out, he couldnt swim proper any more. So he spins around for two days now. I havent seen him eat at all.. Will this dictator of my Aquarium ever be himself...
  12. FishTanksOfCO

    Help! Giant Day Gecko Not Eating!

    So, I've had my giant day gecko for about 6 months, and haven't had a problem (she was eating grasshoppers). All of the sudden, a week or so ago, she stopped eating. I've put three grasshoppers in her terrarium this week: nothing. They all died in the terrarium. I've looked at other forums, but...
  13. wesbailey87

    Help With Internal Parasites!?!?

    Hello Guys, I've been battling what I believe to be internal parasites. My runt flowerhorn has fallen prey to them and is not eating and hasn't been for about a week. My other fish are showing signs of parasites from "mouthing" and a decreased appetite. I have a 125 gallon tank with a 45...
  14. H

    Dolloi is sick :(

    I bought a lungfish last october, and it seems to be sick now I have a pretty busy schedule but until now, hes been fine and eating well his head has seemed so swell up and i noticed when it was a single breath when he came to the surface he would take 4-5 small, difficult breaths. I just...
  15. W

    help jardini is looking funny am worried

    I came home today to my jardini, and a couple of his fins looking bloody, his colors being slighly off, and hes not swimming in the usual pattern that he usally does. Ive also noticed hes not been eating as much as he usally does the last few days. I have a gar in the tank with him and...
  16. K

    Heavy breathing and not eating

    Hey, I have an average size Head and Tail Light Tetra who all of a sudden started to breathe heavily and not eat. The tank has very low ammonia and nitrite levels and also has decent oxygen levels. I did notice he had black/gray areas on him from a couple months back when there was an ammonia...
  17. T

    Need help for my sick floridA gar

    Not sure what wrong with him I think maybe his slime coat got damaged any ideas? Really don't want to lose him, water parameters are all fine oh is a little high but I heard they don't mind high oh much. WOULD LOVE ANY HELP :)
  18. C

    Treating Anchor Worms and Fungus?

    Hi, I posted a couple of days ago on my fish having Anchor Worms. I figured it went away, but I now see that the anchor worm has come back and he hasn't been able to recover from the fungus. He is a hardy little thing and is very energetic and hungry. I've been trying to find a treatment that...
  19. C

    Help! Upsidown Gar..

    My spotted Gar is suddenly laying upside down at the bottom of my tank... He's been like that for around 20 hours.. My Arowana and other fish are fine. Changed 50% of the water this morning.