
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Liaker

    Just got myself a cube-ish 60Gallon/240Liter tank, tips for stocking.

    Hello! Been a while, come around and give your ideas! Please. Bought a tank from a friend who needed space. So here I am, pondering what to get while it cycles. Dimensions cm: 59 x 59 x 70 Dimensions inch: 23 x 23 x 27 With a 85(cm) / 33(inch) tall stand. Looking to keep it freshwater and...
  2. K

    Stocking Pond

    Hey guys so i got this display pond i want to stock, the dimension is 300×100×65 (500gal) My stocking list is • 19cm black ghost knifefish • 30cm bichir endlicheri • 26cm bichir senegalus • 7cm male geophagus balzani • and three female geophagus balzani • maybe a 30cm bronze featherback Do...
  3. S

    Need help decided beat size tank

    Hi , I have to upgrade my tank here soon for a zebrina pike, hes only about 6-8 inches currently but growing fast. In a 75 now , looking at tanks from 200-300 to maybe combine my some of other fish aswell into one tank. would a 6ft 220 be enough for a zebrina pike , an Oscar , delhetzi bichir ...
  4. B

    300 Gallon Stocking Help

    Hey all, First time post here. I'm planning to set up a 300 Gallon (96"x30"x24") Tank is Acrylic and drilled. I'll be running a pretty sizable wet/dry sump underneath. Been in the hoby over the past decade now. I'm wondering if I could get some thoughts and opinions on a stocking list. The...
  5. T

    125 Gal stocking Ideas

    Bad News I just went on a vacation to Costa Rica and returned to the worst possible news, the power went out overnight when nobody was home, all of my fish died besides a dither giant danio. 😢 I’m really heartbroken, I had those fish since they were tiny. I had a (Ornate Bichir, Oscar, Flagtail...
  6. S

    Stocking a tank with odd dimensions

    I recently picked up a 33 gallon long, 48x12x12 and was wondering what anyone would recommend for it. It will be a planted tank and was thinking about doing a large school of tiger barbs but I already have a 20 gallon long with some corydoras and cardinal tetras. I was wondering if there was a...
  7. rayoddballfish

    Spotted Congo Puffer in a Community Tank?

    Hi, My friend has a 55 gallon Community tank and wants to get aa centerpiece fish for it. He is very interested in a Congo puffer. Do you think the current stocking will work? Stocking: - 5 Pearl Gouramis - 4 Angelfish - Parrot Cichlid - Electric Blue Acara - Senegal Bichir He is planning on...
  8. TheTerminutter

    How do you think of this tank stock?

    75 gallon fx6 fluval canister top spotted pike characin red tail barracuda pink tailed chalceus middle bleekeri starry night cichlid Tomocichla asfraci bottom chameleon whiptail catfish Rainbow wolf fish ranchu goldfish I did some research on monster fish that are compact, not overtly...
  9. C

    re: Mbuna 75 Gallon Stocking - Need your opinion!

    Hello, I am setting up a 75 gallon Mbuna tank, here are the specs: Dimensions: 48X18X21 Rocks: red lava rock (enough to fill nearly entire tank to provide hiding spots if neccessary, and houses a ton of beneficial bacteria Filtration: FX6 & Fluval 407 I am an experienced aquarist and...
  10. J

    40 Breeder Stocking help!

    I'm currently cycling a new 40 breeder tank. I'm fairly experienced this being my sixth tank. But I'm extremely indecisive. I wanted to do a Chidongo saulosi colony but there sold out everywhere. I was thinking about a pair of convicts but now I want the tank somewhat planted. In other tanks I...
  11. A

    New - Stock my 190 gallon

    Hey everyone. I need some advice stocking my new 190gal. Ive been reading on this site for years, now i need your help! I have been a fishkeeper for 8 years. I have kept a little bit of everything, in the last couple of years i have been into American Cichlids. I currently have: 1 Cuban cichlid...
  12. Xnhx

    Tankmates for Firemouth Shoal

    Hey all. I recently upgraded to a 75 gallon tank for my Firemouth and have decided to start a shoal of 5 to more closely replicate their habitat. I have australian rainbowfish and tiger barbs with him right now, but am rehoming the rainbows for a different schooling fish. Which leads to my...
  13. Xnhx

    Firemouth Shoal or Cichlid Mix?

    I am currently in the process of setting up a 75 gallon as an upgrade from my 55 gallon. I have 1 adult male firemouth, 5 tiger barbs, and 6 rainbowfish as well. I may leave the schooling fish in the 55 but they are honestly all some of the most docile fish, even the tiger barbs, so who knows...
  14. C

    Stocking advice + "plant-safe" SA cichlids?

    Hello everyone, I recently added fish to my 2 m/6.5 ft, 650 l/180 g planted aquarium which holds a variety of Anubias, java ferns and Echinodorus osiris, the latter of which has been anchored down. For filtration I am using 2x 1800 l/hr (= 514 g/hr) external filters. My current stocking is: 1x...
  15. S

    150 gallon stocking ideas/advice

    Hello, New to this site, been keeping mixed community fish for over 20 years. Generally tropical south american and different catfish. I am upgrading from a 55 gallon (48" long) to a 150 gallon (66" long..weird dimensions). I've never had a tank this large and have no clue what I'm doing with...
  16. H

    Stocking advice needed for Central American 125 gallon

    Hi guys! This is long but I wanted to give you a good idea of the situation so I can get the best advice possible. I got a new 125 gallon tank and am setting it up now. Trying to figure out what I want to stock it with once I get it cycled. I was going to go with South American (I love those...
  17. N

    20 gallon long "mini monster" stocking

    Hello, I currently have a 20 gallon long "mini monster" community, the tank holds 9 tiger barbs and 2 dwarf gouramis, the dwarf gouramis are a pair and the tiger barbs get along well with the gouramis, the tank is also short term and it gets 50% water changes every week, I am looking for another...
  18. Benthebassmaster

    What can I add to my 55 gallon tank

    I have a 55 gallon fish tank with 2 angelfish (that aren’t breeding) and 4 corydoras. I have kept them for about a month and the tank is kinda dull. I want a little more action in the tank
  19. N

    Best nano predator?

    Hello! I am new to this forum and have been researching in other forums and articles to determine stocking choices for my 20 gallon long it is currently stocked with tiger barbs but it will only last for a couple more months, so I am deciding for my second stocking decision in my 20 gallon long...
  20. O

    stocking regarding Gymnothorax Polyuranodon or freshwater moray eel

    Hey guys! First post here :) So my 7ft is going up soon and I've been thinking about adding an eel to my stocking because I'm very interested in them and one has come up for sale in my area which is decently rare. I've been doing some research to try and make sure I know what I'm getting into...