
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. O

    How many SA in a 75 gallon?

    Aqadvisor is saying this tank is overstocked - do you agree or disagree? Stock is: 3 jewel cichlids 2 acaras 2 firemouths 2 blood parrots 1 blood red severum
  2. M

    Peacock Cichlid stocking help.

    Hello all! ;) My new fish tanks nitrite is currently reading 0.5, so its not to long before the fish will be in! So, i decided i'd just double check my fish tank stocking list with you guys, here are the measurements: Length: 4 foot Exactly Height: 46cm/18inch Depth: 36cm/14inch -Stocking...
  3. Hendre

    Sigh... 3rd stocking thread (setup help needed)

    Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of mfk After scratching out snakehead and a (primarily silver dollar) tank i have come across african biotopes which i LOVE the look of.:D So for my biotope tank i would like to stock: 2 - Kribensis cichlids 2 - upside down catfish (synodontis nigriti) 6-8 -...
  4. Hendre

    Silver dollars, ropefish and plants+stocking help.

    Hi everybody. My previous plan of a 250L snakehead tank fell apart (super expensive here and not easy to find):( So. I consulted a friend at school about a tank and got some info For a 250L tank now (1.2m long) would it be possible to keep: -silver dollars (6?) -1 rope/reed fish -2 butterfly...
  5. Hendre

    Help on possible predator fish stocking :P

    Good morning / evening guys and girls of MFK I thought this would be the best forum to go to for stocking ideas for a predatory tank since other forums didn't help much. (this is my first post and i put it in the most logical place on the forum) I am getting a fish tank in 2/3 months and am...
  6. A

    New Jack Dempsey Tank Setup Help!

    I am in the process of setting up a 60 gal tank with sand substrate decorated with rocks and driftwood. I really would like to get a Jack Dempsey, but also wanted to add some other fish to the tank. I wanted to ask opinions on if my stocking list would work, as depending on which fish I get is...
  7. T

    First Time Big Fish

    I'm posting this thread here since I have an interest in the Central and South American Cichlids but I'm open to all fishy suggestions. I started a thread over 2 years ago that was discussing a solo fish for a 55 gallon! However I was unable to set up this tank due to some setbacks which have...
  8. M

    URGENT- 37 gallon stocking?

    Hi, I'm getting my first cichlid tank on monday- a 37 gallon! I'm super exited but i need some help concerning the stocking, the tank is 3 ft long, 915mm X 355mm, we just going to get a basic filter, no canister- the max we can spend on a filter is around $50, any recommendations? we'll try to...
  9. A

    75 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    I have no idea... Maybe datnoid? I'm not sure, what do yall think would be cool?
  10. A

    110 Brackish Tank Stocking Ideas

    Hey I'm new to the forum! I've found room for a 110 gallon in the house and I am thinking a brackish tank. I'm interested in Archerfish, Figure 8 Puffers, Bumblee Gobbies, Green Scats, and Mono Argentus, just not sure exactly what I could get away with? Also, anyone have a canister filter they...
  11. SeymourAndHisCat

    Stocking Suggestions South American

    Hello, I have a 50 gallon tank with Fluval 405 (100 US gallon) canister filter Current fish; 1x Banded cichlid (Golden Severum) 8-8.5 inches 1x Torpedo Barb (Roseilene Shark) 4 inches 1x Electric Blue Crayfish 1x Some sort of Geophagus 4 inches, sold under Red headed tapjos, however looking at...
  12. Truetommy

    SA/CA cichlid stocking

    I just recently picked up a ~100 gallon tank. the dimensions are 5' long 18"deep and 20" tall. I currently have 1 convict, 1 Jd, 1 Texas, and 1 Firemouth (all juvinial) in a 55 gallon that i plan on putting in the 100 gallon. Are there any other aggressive cichlids i could keep with these guys...
  13. Sizzy905

    Need help stocking please!

    So I just bought a brand new 75 gallon tank. I'm using an Aqueon Quiet Flow 55/75 filter. I'm planning on having one Senegal Bichir, one Green Terror, and a group of medium sized schooling fish say 4-5 inches, that will go well with the aggression of a Green Terror. So my question is, will the...