
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. G

    55 Gallon stocking

    I am stocking my 55 gallon finally after letting it cycle for a few months, I want a few angelfish and a larger school (8-10) of Serpae Tetras. I want 1-2 other fish that are big for a center piece, I’ve been told kissing gouramis wouldnt work. Does anyone know of a larger fish I could keep with...
  2. Iamfish

    125 stocking suggestions?

    I am very tempted to get a 125 gallon tank but can only think of 1 fish I would really want to put in it, Lima shovelnose. I really want to keep some bichirs and was wondering what species would work in the tank. Also any other catfish I could consider? Thanks in advance :) Also I have a brand...
  3. L

    Stocking advice?

    I have a 75 gallon fish tank that I will be cycling with a fluval 406 and a aquaclear 110. I currently have a rainbow shark, blood parrot cichlid, and two convict cichlids who are both females in a 37 gallon. Could I add a shoal of Buenos Aires and maybe one or two electric blue acara to the 75...
  4. PGJE

    cool fish for 50 gallon tank

    Anyone have ideas for friendly community fish to put in a 50 gallon tank (preferably coral reef)? Some of you are going to hate me for this but I don't like clownfish that much because they are soo common and i'm going for a larger variety of fish. Thank you!
  5. Lawton C

    T-Bar Cichlid help

    One of my buddies has a t-bar pair in a 40 B and I love the fish. ATM the only empty tank I have is a 60 gallon that has been at my parents for a while. I wanted to know if a pair or single fish can go in the 60 with any tankmates. I kinda wanted to have them in a CA community if that could...
  6. Jinglehell

    Let's show the team!

    Alright so after getting your help with stocking my 90 gallon (for those interested:×50cm×66cm-l×w×h.707973/) I now finally came around to try and get some pictures of my new pets :) Current stocking is...
  7. M

    Opinions on a 600 gallon stocking idea

    In the very far distant future ( When I have saved enough money to buy this monster tank) I plan on having some fish! My main focus on this tank is the Fire Eel. I've spent several weeks researching these fish and wanted to get an opinion from those more experienced than myself. Do you think...
  8. Jinglehell

    Stocking Advice for a 350L / 90g tank (120cm×50cm×66cm l×w×h)

    Hi all I'm new to the forum and wanted to ask you guys what your stocking suggestion for the following idea is: I'd like to have some leopard bushfish (5/6) with some bichirs. In particular, the bichirs I thought would work in a 90g are the senegals and the delhezi. Does that work and if so...
  9. neko1

    anyone idea for a cool pet? thinking about salamanders

    Hello guys, I started a new tank 2 days ago but I got no stocking. Does anyone have an idea? I was thinking about salamanders. The tank is 80cmx60x40(I thought, havent measured it yet.) The water is around 10cm high.
  10. C

    125 gallon Central American stocking ideas?

    Hey guys I’m looking for ideas on stocking my 125 gallon that is currently cycling. I currently am housing a juvenile jack Dempsey a juvenile jaguar a juvenile tiger Oscar and juvenile Texas cichlid in my grow out tank. am I pretty much maxed out already? Thanks
  11. Dennis Kraemer

    New Pool Pond!

    Hey I just moved to a new house down in Florida and i love right on the intercostals. I am getting an above ground pool that is 1,800 gallons( I could...
  12. PGJE

    dream tanks

    i don't know if anyone has posted any of these before (couldn't find any), but if you could have an aquarium (any size as long as it's not unheard of), what would you do with it??? I would get a kelp forest and put grouper, Giribaldi, and other large Californian fish in it! (sorry if someone...
  13. PGJE

    medium- large fish for 150 gallon aquarium?

    I have a 150 gallon tank with two turtles (who have not hurt any fish i have put in there, from goldfish to cichlids), and a pleco. I wanted to know what medium- large fish i could put in there. The turtles are harmless, so any ideas?
  14. PGJE

    oscar with goldfish???

    in a month I'm going to get a 150 gallon tank, as an upgrade for my turtles and fish. i have two turtles, both are very slow and have been compatible with any fish i have ever put in the tank (including cichlids). In the 150 ill have: 2 turtles 1 pleco and three 8 inch goldfish i want to know if...
  15. robham777

    What can you put in a 55?

    I saw this youtube video today, and thought with the exception of the geos/satanoperca it was a pretty good list.Not sure about some of the compatibility either, my experience with african butterfly fish is that they are fairly territorial so 4 or 5 may not be a good idea. I can't claim to be...
  16. Lars6

    Stocking a 75 gallon tank

    I was wondering if these fish could go together in a 75 gallon planted community. - Rainbowfish -congo tetras - angelfish -Denison barbs I feel like it could have its issues when it comes to feeding time due to how slow angels are. Suggestions?
  17. koh the face stealer

    Red Zebra tankmates

    Hi all, I'm going to be trading a friend for a smaller tank soon and would like some stocking suggestions and such. I'll be trading one of my 60 gallons for a 45 gallon. The tank residents are two silver dollars and a red zebra cichlid. I already know the silvers need to go and mbunas...
  18. M

    150 gallon

    Hey so i got a 150 gallon tank and i need some stocking suggestions. Ive kept enty of tanks in the past but only max before this was a 55. The 150 i got is the 6 foot one (long). Some of my conditions i guess you could say are -id like big fish. A few that get to good size -i like "weird"...
  19. S

    450 Gallon Stocking List

    So I've been keeping fish for 4 years in a 55 gallon aquarium but have decided to get a much larger 450 gallon aquarium. I have little experience keeping bigger carnivorous fish and wanted to know if this would be an okay stocking list for a 450 gallon tank. 1 Tiger Oscar 9 Silver Dollars 1 or...
  20. S

    I Need Help With Stocking My West African River Tank!

    Here is what I'm curently thinking of doing, I need to know if this will work or not My tank is 50 Gallon and will be heavily planted. 1 Jewel Cichlid (unsure of exact species) 2 or 3 African Butterfly fish and 1 Lionhead/Blockhead/Buffalo head Cichlid Will this work for the tank I have...