
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. M

    200 gallon stocking

    Hello, I'm almost finished plumbing my 200 gallon to its 75 gallon sump. Sump will have 2 7" sock filters, sponges in the baffles, and 1/4 to 1/3 of the sump will hold bio balls. I'll have an fx6 on the 200g as well. For stocking I'm definitely going with 2 oscars. For tankmates I was...
  2. F

    Idea on a 400 gallon tank.

    Hello All, I have built a 7X3X3 ft concrete tank outside my home. Please suggest the filtration system and fish stocking. Thanks
  3. A

    40 Gallon Tank Cichlid Stocking Options

    Hi All, I recently purchased a 40 gallon tank and it is close to being cycled. There are a lot of plants and open-ended pots for plenty of shelter. I am interested n stocking the tank with South American and Central American cichlids. Specifically, I am interested in firemouths, electric blue...
  4. PGJE

    10 gallon nano stocking

    Of course, I’m still going to wait a while but my cycle is pretty much finished. I was wondering what the options were for a 10 gallon, I’m up to anything. im looking for a non aggressive fish, as there will be a cuc in there with it Anything helps!
  5. F

    What to do? What to do? What to ?

    I have a 40 gallon long with a Florida Gar that will soon go into my 180 gallon. I want to stock the 40g long but, keep changing my mind. option 1: 4 Silver Dollars 4 Horse Head Loaches 6 Dwarf Puffers Option 2: 2 fancy Goldfish Option 3: Crayfish option 4: something completely different
  6. P

    Arowana mixing

    Hello everyone hoping for some quick tips, I have a foot long Asian arowana in my 180 gallon tank 6x2x2 and I’m thinking of adding an albino silver or black arowana, I don’t have one picked out I’m just doing some preliminary research. Would this matchup be acceptable and are there ways to...
  7. L

    130G Stocking

    Was thinking about some good mix, but really don't know wich and how many :) The size of the tank is 112x72x61cm Thanks to everyone that can help me in this decision :)
  8. J

    55 gallon bichir tank mates

    Hello all, I recently upgraded my 2 young angel fish and my 4 in Senegal bichir into a 55 gallon tank and I’m curious about if I could put something else in there. Like an acara or Firemouth or something of that sort?
  9. Blakewater

    How Many Cichla Can I Cram Into A Glass Box?

    In all seriousness.. how many pbass, if say I went with smaller species like Kelberi and Intermedia, could live life comfortably in a 96x30x26? Theres enough filtration for a fully stocked tank twice its size so thats not an issue. Just want to know how many swimmy bois you guys think I could...
  10. Greenboy

    Surface dweller stocking

    Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a surface dwelling fish for a 4ft 120gal(ish) aquarium. It's stocked with your basic amazon community at the moment, the biggest and nastiest fish in there are a couple of adult angel fish. Currently i have hatchet fish, but I'm planning on...
  11. M

    Stocking with a Green Terror pair

    I have a 75 gallon tank with a Green Terror pair in it. I also have a large common pleco in the tank who I am rehoming soon. I moved recently and I could no longer put the tank in my bedroom, so I am now trying to turn it into a display tank, which unfortunately means I can no longer keep the...
  12. mattybecks

    Changing up my tanks a little - advice on stocking

    As some of you may know already I have 15 x silver dollars and 1 x Jardini in my 180 gal. Then 7 x Geophagus Tapajos in my 40ish gal. As of now everything is balanced, no aggression, great water quality (water change once a week as soon as nitrates reach 20ppm, sometimes every 5 days if its a...
  13. R

    RTC pond size

    I am building a 15 by 5 ft pond and was wondering if this would be sufficient housing for a RTC
  14. Nm1

    Stocking 200 gallon

    I put together my first SA tank with the exception of loaches. I have a 200 gallon 84x24x24 tank with 2 fx6 filters. All fish are juveniles and 4-7 inches with the exception of the pleco. I plan to move the tigers, arowana and pleco to a 300 gallon tank in the near future. Everyone is peaceful...
  15. slava2929

    New Tanganykan 20L - how to stock?

    I'm a new world cichlid keeper and I'm dipping my toes into Tanganykan cichlids. I have a 20 Long (crushed coral, Ph 7.7, DH 12) with two juvenile lamprologous pulchers (daffodi cichlids), but the tank seems bare. The two fish spend most ot their time in the rock structure I have in the...
  16. Zak03

    Bichir tankmate ideas.

    Hey guys, I'm trying to help my brother come up with ideas for tankmates for his Dinosaur bichir. He's setting up a 90-gallon fish tank and has a 3" juvenile dinosaur bichir. i was thinking of maybe one Vieja synspila, but he doesn't like how they look. Does anybody have any ideas on who we can...
  17. Zak03

    Stocking Help

    Alright, so i have a 40 gal tank and i need some stocking ideas. im thinking of doing a cichlid community tank, but im not very versed in different types of cichlids. Basically, what im looking for is a community tank with color, personallity, and movement. (plus, having cleaner fish so that...
  18. Michael2019

    15 Gallon Stock Suggestions

    Okay so, I recently got a 15G. It's 55cm by 30cm by 35. What I've already planned is that I'll be having fine gravel on the bottom and it's going to be heavily planted, with some wood too, I'll be using ferts and root tabs as well. The water parameters generally are: 10-14 dGH (Hard to...
  19. B

    Stocking a 125g

    Hello, I'm new to this forum. I have a 125g tank that currently houses a jack Jack Dempsey. I would like to stock it with other cichlids, I tried adding my firemouth wich is the same size as the JD but they fought too much so I removed him. I've decided to add multiple cichlids at once to reduce...
  20. AG458

    I know it's been a while, but...

    Hi, MFK! It's been a while since I've been on this site, but I think it's time for a comeback! Here's my predicament: I'm gonna adjust my tank stock. My dreams of keeping potential monster fish in my 60g are gone. I'm planning to make my stock much more practical. In order to do so, I'm going...