
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. P

    Stocking Ideas?

    Any suggestions for stocking a 90 gallon freshwater ? I'm open for ideas. Also, feel free to post some pictures of your aquascape job/decor setup.
  2. xDestro

    Electric blue ram community fish?

    I'm setting up a 55 gal community tank and was wondering if an electric blue ram would be okay in it? I'll be running the tank at around 79 degrees with gravel substrate and 1 60 gal sponge filter and a 90 gal canister. I plan on getting a gourami, porthole catfish, a few rose line sharks...
  3. xDestro

    55 stocking

    I'm coming up on being able to stock my 55 and I'm stuck between a bad ass fish or a lot of community fish. My original idea was: • 1 gold gourami • 3 rose line sharks • 1 hoplo catfish • 1 pleco • 1 batia loach • 1 rainbow shark And possibly a few other species such as a cray fish or African...
  4. Diver1Wilson

    90g Stocking questions

    Hello everyone, and thank you for taking time out to consult with me on my questions. Before I just ask, I guess a tad bit of back ground info is in order... 1. This is my first ever post on any site pertaining to member to MKF 2. I am not a professional, nor a beginner to the...
  5. M

    Oddball tank Size stocking

    Ok, been a while since I have been on here or even posted. I got out of the hobby but now I am jumping back in head first.. So I am about to purchase a 375 gallon tank and going to set it up freshwater. Took a while to find the right tank because of the way my house is set up I didn't exactly...
  6. fox3794

    New 48L" X 24"wide X 19"Tall tank. WHAT TO STOCK?

    So I was in my LFS and saw a tank marked broken glass, a quite large one indeed. Upon talking to the manager i asked "hey are you just gonna throw this thing out?" and surely enough i got to take it home FREE of charge. :] Im lucky since only one of the side panels was cracked, and i have...
  7. fox3794

    New 48L" X 24"wide X 19"Tall tank. WHAT TO STOCK?

    So I was in my LFS and saw a tank marked broken glass, a quite large one indeed. Upon talking to the manager i asked "hey are you just gonna throw this thing out?" and surely enough i got to take it home FREE of charge. :] Im lucky since only one of the side panels was cracked, and i have...
  8. O

    Giant gourami stocking!

    Hi im setting up a 125 and I would like to know what i could stock with it. Im thinking, 1 gourami 2 oscars 1Pleco 1 chocolate cichlid
  9. xDestro

    New, 55 gallon stocking help

    Hello I'm new to MFK so I apologize if I'm doing this wrong. I recently bought a 55 gallon aquarium and not sure what all I can have in it, I'm looking for a community type aquarium but would be open to single bigger fish suggestions. I was looking at gouramis and thinking one good size one...
  10. OtterSocks

    90 gallon stocking/setup suggestions anyone?

    Hey guys, I'm new here as of today. I am going to be buying a 90 gallon tank soon, upgrading from my biggest tank being 25 gallon. Naturally I am hoping to get into keeping some monster fish. I filled out my bio with some info about my past experience if you're interested. I am hoping I could...
  11. A

    Amazon predator tank

    working on planning a very large (20,000-40,000 gallon) Amazon tank, enclosing a conference room in an office. stocking ideas:D? just trying to keep fish from the amazon river basin, however open to any other ideas you guys have please suggest. personally ive always done reef aquariums, however...
  12. A

    Severum Biotope?

    Stocking my 180g is right around the corner and I'm wondering if these stocking examples will suffice or if I have to take out fish/ or if I can add more. The first ex is a community biotope and the second I have as an option just because I like wet pet behavior out of fish and Jaguars are known...
  13. 504 Fish Keeper

    Jack & Salvini 40 Breeder

    Can I put a juvenile salvini & juvenile Jack Dempsey in a 40 Breeder til I get a bigger tank & if so how long?
  14. S

    New Tank Mates

    Hello I've got a 4-5in green phantom pleco who is now by himself due to the passing of my peacock bass :(. I have a 55g and a 20g long and want to put the pleco in one of them with other fish along with him. I want something cool and unique. I like planted tanks but down want to get anything to...
  15. jvc66

    250 Gallon Ideas

    Hello everyone! I have been lurking on here for a while waiting for my chance to finally get myself a big tank for some monster fish! I managed to find a nice 250 that I am going to picking up in a couple of days with a beautiful wood stand and canopy for $200 since the silicone had a slight...
  16. Hendre

    Exodon questionsn stuff

    Good morning mfk. This weekend I am getting my first large tank (250litres) to start setting it up and will be getting the fish in 2 weeks I am going to build a DIY canister like the one by @UaruJoey on YouTube with a 1200-1500 lph pump The dimensions are 120x45x45 roughly First. So how many...
  17. Hendre

    Mini monster for 250L (66Gal)

    Hi guys I am getting a 250L tank in 2 weeks, it is the largest I can afford to get and currently it will be a community tank. Are there any mini monsters/ predators I can keep in that that can be fed pellet as a base diet. Also better if they can be kept in groups of 3 or more.. Any...
  18. Lil' Jenny

    Stocking Questions and Advice

    I currently have a 120 gal glass aquarium dimensions are 48x18x30. With no plans on upgrading anytime soon. Currently featuring an 8.5" Sailfin Pleco, 8" Senegal Bichir, 5.5" Striped Raphael Catfish, and 5" Pictus Catfish My boyfriend and I would like to add a few more fish but we don't want...
  19. Hendre

    African Biotope tank - general help needed (plants, filter and fish)

    Good afternoon ladies and gents of MFK In a month I will be setting up my first large tank (250L 4ft long) and need a few tidbits of help.:confused: I plan on building my tank around a few small, flat stones and medium pieces of driftwood at the back to leave plenty of swim space and rear...
  20. Hendre

    African Biotope tank - general help needed (plants, filter and fish)

    Good afternoon ladies and gents of MFK In a month I will be setting up my first large tank (250L 4ft long) and need a few tidbits of help.:confused: I plan on building my tank around a few small, flat stones and medium pieces of driftwood at the back to leave plenty of swim space and rear...