
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. W


    Hi everyone. New to this site so appoligise if i put this in the wrong area etc. Seems abit confusing to me I was wondering if someone could help me with stocking. I beleive it it quite heavily over stocked now ( will be in the future) I have 8 silver dollars, 1 silver arowana, 1 SB...
  2. R

    New Fish Suggestions?

    Hello, I am looking to add a unique fish to an existing tank (in memory of a passed relative). Would love some recommendations. Would prefer a single fish, but am open to suggestions that involve pairs or schools. Thank you! Tanks specs: - 125 gallon (70x18) - semi heavily planted - PFS...
  3. D

    75 gallon Geophagus Help

    Hello. I have been struggling for the last few weeks on what to do as far as stocking with my 75 gallon tank. I just got it a few weeks ago and its empty right now but will be up and running in 2 weeks when I move. It will be filtered by a Fluval 406 and a Marineland 350b (currently on a well...
  4. D

    75 Gal Firemouth Stocking

    Hey all. Just signed up for the forum and this will be my first post. I couldnt find where to post stocking advice so I hope this is ok. I have a 75 gal tank I just picked up and plan on stocking a group of 4 firemouths (1 male to 3 female) and 5 denison barbs. Im looking for other fish that...
  5. xDestro

    Is my tank overstocked?

    Reason I ask if because I use to think it was way overstocked but looking at the tank it seems fine. 75 gal tank 48x18 Fx4 and sponge filter Stock: 1 9" syno notatus 1 4-5" syno hybrid (not sure name) 1 3-4" dwarf giraffe catfish 1 4" zig zag eel 1 5-6" senegal bichir 1 8-9" delhezi bichir...
  6. Alexander342

    Tank stocking large cichlids

    Is it possible to house a jag, two oscars and two green terrors in a nearly 8ft 600L tank with 1000L of filtration and using dividers at first to lower aggression? I've heard you can have an oscar in a 75g and then for every other oscar you only need an extra 30g with good filtration and...
  7. StalkedCargo

    Fish Room Stocking Ideas?

    Hello everyone. I am in the process of building my first fish room. It is nothing special but im extremely happy with the set up. I'll post a photo as it sits now. The basics however are 2"x4"x10' board and cinder blocks. Simple HOB filters I already have for filtration and mounted shop lights...
  8. xDestro

    Flowerhorn questions

    Been throwing around ideas for my 55 iv had running for a while and I kinda want just 1 big social fish, flowerhorn kinda stand out to me but I really don't know much about them, iv seen some sites say 55 Is plenty and other say not enough, also how messy are they? My canister crashed on my 55...
  9. xDestro

    First planted plans *gonna need major help*

    So iv decided I want to do a aquascape on my 55 completely changing it, I really like the simple look of a carpet and dragon stone. My question is what plant is best for this? I need something that is basically beginner friendly since this will be my first live plants in a tank. Also I can't...
  10. xDestro

    Butterflyfish flew away

    Came home and noticed my african butterflyfish was nowhere to be found until I looked down and say him all dried up :( definitely a crappy loss cuz iv had him a while and he ate flake food, so would u guys recommend any other replacement? Any other fish that stay towards the top, can't be to big...
  11. xDestro

    Firemouth compatibility?

    Was looking into firemouths and really like them so would 1-2 go well with a 5 inch sengal bichir 3-4 inch zig zag eel 4 red ruby barbs African butterflyfish Couple small synodontis 1 big 8 inch synodontis notatus
  12. P

    Big tank needs fish!!!!!

    Hi guys, I have the opportunity to pick up a 135 gallon tank (72x18x24) for a cheap price. I would like a fish/eel that is more on the aggressive side. I usually keep reptiles but would like to branch out, what would be the best option to put in here. I appreciate the help!
  13. I

    Most aggressive?

    I'm looking for a fish with attitude and I'm thinking of setting up a green terror tank but I am still looking around. I was wondering if anyone has a different fish that is more prone to be aggressive but can still stay happy in a 75g or a 55 breeder.
  14. D

    I'm New: Please Help Me Stock and Setup My Tank

    I owned a 10 gallon a while ago and got the gist of maintaining aquariums, but never moved onto some of the more moderate-advanced fish. I stalked it with a Pepper Cat, 2 Rainbow Shark, and a few Black Mollies and Sword-tails only to have the Rainbow Sharks bully the Mollies and Sword-tails to...
  15. B

    Tank stocking

    So my question is if have 1 125 gallon W/ common wolf fish 6 inch Endelzi bichir 6 inch Cuban cichlid 10 inch Jaguar cichlid 8 inch The Cuban and jaguar are a mateing pair I also have a 150 gallon W/red wolf 6 inch Fire eel Black diamond cichlid 4 inch...
  16. xDestro

    Peacock and zig zag together?

    Iv had a few people tell me you can't keep more than 1 eel together, I'm planning g on getting a zig zag and a peacock for my 75 so will I run into problems? I have 2 large pieces of driftwood for plenty of hiding places and a sandy substrate.
  17. xDestro

    Pictus with bichir?

    Got my 75 setup and will be getting a senegal bichir, a peacock eel and a zig zag eel soon. I want a larger schooling fish so I was thinking clown loaches but they will eventually outgrow the tank, bala sharks also came to mind but I'm not sure how fast they would outgrow the tank, then I came...
  18. rarbona1029

    Ordering specific Mbuna

    Hello all and Happy Thanksgiving! Just joined the forum to ask a few questions about ordering fish online, something I have never done before. some info. The tank in question is a 55g mbuna tank I aquired, that needs some work in the stocking department. once I remove the few incompatible fish...
  19. xDestro

    Is my tank overstocked?

    I have a 55 gallon 5 roseline around 2 inches 5 juli corys less than half inch 2 yo yo loaches one a half inch and other 1 inch 1 dojo around inch and a half 1 Electric blue acara about 2 inches 3 platies 1 Upside down catfish 2 inches 1 Raphael catfish inch and a half 1 pearl gourami inch...
  20. Truetommy

    100 gallon stocking ideas

    I have recently decided to re-stock my 100 gallon display tank. I currently have a mix of ce/sa cichlids with some bottom feeders and silver dollars. I've been considering a mbuna tank with possibly one frontosa and a few cats all of the same species, or possibly just a single species tank, like...