105 gallon wet pet suggestions

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Sorry did not understood that. A breeding pair of Salvini would be nice too, I love the look of that fish. But dont they have a lot of aggression between each other?

I have considered the amatitlania stocking as well but I don't want to do the community thing in this tank. I have other tanks for that type of stocking. Im considering either a single wet pet, a breeding pair or what some people would call a 'three senoritas' setup with a female salvini, green terror and ??

It's a shame that Oscars need soft acidic water or I would keep my Oscar as a wet pet. Looking to rehome him due to water parameters.
Maybe skip the Salvini and do 3 GT or 3 JD. As you mentioned Salvini are notorious for thier aggression.
Female JD
You might get away with a pair of JDs or GT type tempoararily, but odds are in that size territory one (usually the larger) will bump off the other at maturity.
Both hit over 10" so be aware.
For anything the size an oscar or Amphiliphus (like the lyonsi below) it falls short.
To me that size tank is really only adequat territory enough for Amatitania, or someting that doesn't much exceed 6" (15 cm).
Even then, some of the larger Amatitlania will end up cramped.
even the adult full size adult cutteri (left) or sajica (right) would be too large in the end, unless kept solo.
You might get away with a pair of JDs or GT type tempoararily, but odds are in that size territory one (usually the larger) will bump off the other at maturity.
Both hit over 10" so be aware.
For anything the size an oscar or Amphiliphus (like the lyonsi below) it falls short.
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To me that size tank is really only adequat territory enough for Amatitania, or someting that doesn't much exceed 6" (15 cm).
Even then, some of the larger Amatitlania will end up cramped.
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even the adult full size adult cutteri (left) or sajica (right) would be too large in the end, unless kept solo.
Hi Duanes, always love your input but are you seriously suggesting a single 12cm (5") fish (Sajica) for a 5ft long tank with 100 gallons of water volume?
Although 100 gallons seems to be a lot in a glass box in a living room to a human.
To a cichlids used to a terrirory the size of city block, it is barely a puddlle, or a rut in the road.4b9cb94d-07d2-4ee4-ad24-3c7b82c4310f.jpegIMG_8241.jpegIMG_6951.jpeg3b7d146a-475c-4dd9-89d6-ca605f412975.jpegIMG_6044.jpeg
As long as you perform large regular water changes, an adult Amph would work in that tank size. I would pass on an Oscar, due to the massive amount of waste they can produce.