105 gallon wet pet suggestions

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I know you wanted a single wet pet, but you could do a breeding pair of Discus. I've personally found that Discus are pretty interactive. My pair always followed me around, and they were delightful to have.

Plus, there are a few bonuses: If you change your mind later and want to create a community tank, a Discus pair would be great for a community tank as they get along with practically everything (I paired mine with everything from tetras to catfish and medium to small cichlids). Also, you could sell the babies to make some decent cash to support your hobby.
Thanks, a solid 15” or so. 18” wide tank allows plenty of room for an Amph to turn around, do back flips, and anything else they desire. Certainly bigger is always better, but my fish doesn’t know any better.
Now in his 13th year, in a standard 125, but spent several yrs in a 90. Maybe next year I’ll upgrade to a10,000 gallon. lol

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I dunno. Looks cramped. Likely got that bump from years of banging his head in tight quarters. It's time to plop him in a pond...he should be 30 inches long by now. Stunted! Stunted! 15 inches, pfft....🙃
Carpintis are very nice, but IME don’t make near the wet pet that an Amph does.
I've read that from more comments. I really want to buy this beauty but it is a breeding pair of Lyonsi. They stay a bit smaller at 7" and 9" (already at their max size) but 5ft would stil be too small and cant split them up. Gonna check which amps are available in my area. Any tips after a midas?1000024529.jpg
Amphilophus istlanum..

BTW, I currently have a trio of Andinoacara stalsbergi F1 in a 5 footer.. grew 8 fry from .5" and they've bred prolly half a dozen times or more the least couple years.. down to a trio w/ male at ~8+".. no losses, but moved fish as needed due to aggression.. when they breed, I typically have to get creative with dividers, or temp rehomes. Tried A. istlanum, a couple times.. dominant male usually murdered everyone else by 2.5-3".. And I didn't want to dedicate an entire tank to 1 fish.. yet...