105 gallon wet pet suggestions

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I've read that from more comments. I really want to buy this beauty but it is a breeding pair of Lyonsi. They stay a bit smaller at 7" and 9" (already at their max size) but 5ft would stil be too small and cant split them up. Gonna check which amps are available in my area. Any tips after a midas?View attachment 1551771

My last male lyonsi was +10" when I moved him.. he killed alot in a 6x2' 210.. including his 1st and 2nd baby mommas... not really a glass banger.. but def a killa...
My last male lyonsi was +10" when I moved him.. he killed alot in a 6x2' 210.. including his 1st and 2nd baby mommas... not really a glass banger.. but def a killa...
Yeah they are in a 6ft tank now with some nicaraguans at their current owner. They have been for 3 years and have spawned a few times succesfully. All good so far but probably all bets are off in a new (and smaller) tank. Wish I could just buy the male.
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Yeah they are in a 6ft tank now with some nicaraguans at their current owner. They have been for 3 years and have spawned a few times succesfully. All good so far but probably all bets are off in a new (and smaller) tank. Wish I could just buy the male.
Or breed them, keep the fry, rehome the couple, select the best male, etc.
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Yeah they are in a 6ft tank now with some nicaraguans at their current owner. They have been for 3 years and have spawned a few times succesfully. All good so far but probably all bets are off in a new (and smaller) tank. Wish I could just buy the male.

Nice.. I kept mine with nics, crobroheros rostratus, T. meeki, P. panamensis at different times.. The lyonsi I had didn't kill other species, but ruled or tried to rule the tank and would breed then fight.. my nics hated them and were the only ones that stood their ground. Fortunately I decided to move the nics before anyone got hurt..

Another option would be a male Nandopsis tetracanthus.. They can be a lil psycho too..
  • Haha
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Nice.. I kept mine with nics, crobroheros rostratus, T. meeki, P. panamensis at different times.. The lyonsi I had didn't kill other species, but ruled or tried to rule the tank and would breed then fight.. my nics hated them and were the only ones that stood their ground. Fortunately I decided to move the nics before anyone got hurt..

Another option would be a male Nandopsis tetracanthus.. They can be a lil psycho too..
That tank sounds like an interesting one! Gonna check out your suggestion.
Amphilophus Saggitae (no common name)

In the wild the habit the center of lakes, not shore huggers like Midas or Red Devils.
My guy Casper was always watching me and front and center when I got near the tank. Would chase and attack my fingures thru the glass.
Really best as a solo fish. In the wild they claim a bigger area so really dislike any tankmates. My guy would even defend fry from the mother so I had to separate them when fry became free swimming. 20210711_191047.jpg20210221_200414.jpg

Those are real plants?!

Ok curveball, I know.. but I have a 8ft (250 x 70 x 70 cm) - 320 gallon tank with a sump that is gonna be empty in a few weeks. I have no clue what tot do with it because if possible, I'd like to have some live plants in there even if its just java fern and anubias stuck to wood. Can the Carpintis (or any other 10" plus-size CA cichlid) work with tank mates and plants?
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Those are real plants?!

Ok curveball, I know.. but I have a 8ft - 320 gallon tank with a sump that is gonna be empty in a few weeks. I have no clue what tot do with it because if possible, I'd like to have some live plants in there even if its just java fern and anubias stuck to wood. Can the Carpintis (or any other 10" plus-size CA cichlid) work with tank mates and plants?
I kept Pablo in a planted tank with bichirs and other African oddball they all got along fine
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