We originally planned to just use MaxACR and Sweetwater paint. When we decided to do fiberglass reenforcement on all the seams we got the poly because we knew the fiberglass was going to soak up a ton. Since the poly was relatively cheap we ended up doing several layers of it.
We probably would have been fine using just 2 of them, but kinda figured might as well do all 3. I think it paid off, unlike allot of the builds on here we did not have 1 single leak in the pond, just a bunch in our PVC.
Yeah the paint was about 250sqft, we got 1 good coat per gallon of paint, and I remember the square footage coming out to around 250.
MaxACR is pretty thick stuff. If I remember right we used a bit less than 3 gallons a coat, so about 90-100 sqft per gallon.
The poly resin was thinner than the MaxACR. I think we got a coat out of about 1.5-2 gallons. So 125-160 sqft per gallon. We used alot of it on the fiberglass, we had some fiberglass matte that soaked up a ton. Probably used a good 3 gallons just on the seams.