1100 set up

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
How did you install your background and make sure it sticks to the acrylic? I remember installing a background on my 180g and because I did not silicone it there were lots of water behind it along with build up of just gunk. Did you stick the background to the acrylic or do you just plan on pulling it to clean behind it?
I talked about the background around post #10. It’s very detailed. Have a look if you have any questions let me know. I absolutely love the background ! Highly recommend it.
I talked about the background around post #10. It’s very detailed. Have a look if you have any questions let me know. I absolutely love the background ! Highly recommend it.

thanks! I skipped right over that post. Never heard of M1 sealant. I guess you researched if it was aquarium safe and you aren’t concerned with it damaging the acrylic?
thanks! I skipped right over that post. Never heard of M1 sealant. I guess you researched if it was aquarium safe and you aren’t concerned with it damaging the acrylic?
The guys that sold me the background recommended it.
A friend of mine gave me some very large weather loaches, I didn’t realize how big they get. He needed to get rid of them because they would lay against his overflow and stop the flow of water to his sump. I guess they like the water flow going over their bodies or something. With in 30 minutes of putting them in my tank they went into my over flow and were resting on the filter pad.
I added some egg crate to my overflows to keep this from happening. It works great but I don’t like the white. Stands out to much. I may paint them black or brown. 3D9C2C46-72D5-4D69-89B6-37A121ABED21.jpegC5644085-3046-40A2-B22C-23A29625A0AB.jpeg8B9CC479-AF9C-4E6E-A6AF-B6C91375DF0A.jpegFC7686DB-E19A-4FA8-B97C-90165E90AAED.jpeg
Amazing tank! I can’t believe the size of some of those fish!

Is that large black cichlid a jag?
I have a couple that were given to me. a friend buys them small and when they get big he gives them away. Mine are albinos. Your's are huge.