12 Volt Man's Aqueon 150 Gallon Startup Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Very Awesome! They are getting huge. Nice color red they have.
nice. i miss my pair of gold tin foil barbs, they were 8 inches when i sold em :(
12 Volt Man, do you find your filaments / tinfoils skittish at all if you walk up to the tank? I'm finding they are - seem to my my school of 9 loaches dart from each end of tank following them if i approach the tank.

Any advice since you've kept clowns and barbs? I have rocks and hiding places and like yourself not into plants in tanks (esp with these barbs!)
no, thats why part of why these fish are working out better than the lemons/ redhooks did.

the lemons/redhooks would smash into the glass/heaters/filter intakes when walk up to the tank.

these guys all are very happy to see someone that will feed them and they all swim up to beg for food. they are not skittish at all.
12 Volt Man;3610714; said:
as far as loaches go, that may go away in time. my old clowns used to beg for food (swim up to the top of the tank) when I would walk up. just give them time, they should settle down.

so should your barbs.

are they eating well?

Everyone's eating like a pig in my tank which is good and I am feeding x3 a day, staple of tetra Prima and other goodies. I'm pleased to hear you think it will calm done. Been a few weeks and still going on. From my experience the barbs dart about when I approach, even slowly or even hold the camera close to the tank (foot) and that causes everything in the tank to dart from side to side, its literally crazy and I can't figure out what to do. It's just not what you want from this!

I bought another 2 nice loaches so now have 11, couldn't resist and they are beautiful, put a pic in my thread.
I posted a comment in your thread, your tank and fish look great. love the loaches. nice and orange.

I think your fish will calm down as they get settled. if not, there really isn't much you can do. adding more decor sometimes can make things worse as it just gives skittish fish something to smash into.

I would wait and see what happens. leaving open swimming room can help eliminate problems because the fish can dart about without injuring themselves on tank decor..
Think that's what I'll do. I have lots of plastic plants but look rubbish etc. Maybe in a few months.

How are the T-foils? My barbs will hopefully colour up soon.