12 Volt Man's Aqueon 150 Gallon Startup Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yeh, I'm not so into tank decor or plants. I prefer it basic; let the fish be the stars of the show I always say. My plan is to have 10 inch loaches in a few years and a huge flagtail!
Yeh That's the key food and water changes.

Re - your pics, those filaments look like they are getting bigger, especially the one at the front in that photo. Or is it just perspective. Have you noticed growth? Apparently max out at about 6 inch. I'd quite like them to be bigger, never know I'm sure one might attain 7 inch which is a not bad size. Colours will look awesome.
my LFS has some nice driftwood peices and I am debating about adding a peice to the back of the tank. they are made from a local guy who takes wood and anchors them to slate pieces. he has been selling them for years to the LFS's in my area.

my only concern is the injury hazard when the fish are big, but I figure if I put a peice along the back wall in the middle it might be okay. I know it will look really good, I am just not sure if it will be a problem when the barbs are big..
I think your tank looks fine as it is. I used to constantly buy things for my tank like wood, tunnels, plants and I go through phases of taking them in and out. Now I just keep them all out and seem to prefer it. I had 2 nice pieces of wood that I took out. But it's a personal thing isn't it.
I am probably going to pass on the wood. when the fish are all grown up I think injury might be an issue..soo...no wood for me.

here are some shots of the super red severum in the 20g long tank in my laundry room. he is growing well. I will probably grow this fish up as much as I can before putting him in the big tank. I am concerned that he will not grow well in the 150 because of the extreme greedyness of the barbs in there.

