12 Volt Man's Aqueon 150 Gallon Startup Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Wow this is the longest photo thread I've ever seen :WHOA:
nice tinfoils
tinfoil fry! LOL

normally I would never buy them this small, but the LFS in my area only have larger ones (about 2.5") that are either the golden variety or ugly (ie no colour when they should be red by that size..)

not only that, they have lots of them in.

so it will be months before they sell down enough for them to order a new shipment of them in...

so I took a chance and got the tiny ones..


Nice tinfoils..... you should get some more lemon barbs..
Most fun thread i have ever read. Nice tilfoils, hope things will work for you with this batch of tinfoils, how many, 8?
thanks very much.

yup 8. they are so small I thought I had better get a few extra in case some either die or get eaten. at this size, fish have little stamina against injury, net abrasion, ich etc etc. if these redhooks really wanted to they could munch them up I think..

assuming all grow up, I doubt i will keep all 8. probably 5 or 6. I think a tank this size can handle that many, but probably not 8.