12 Volt Man's Aqueon 150 Gallon Startup Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Alright 12Volt man how's it going? How many of each fish do you have? Hooks look big and healthy. I'm guessing you got them large for the reason the tinfoils will push past them in growth quickly. Just hope they don't harrass the hooks when they get massive.
I am doing well. the hook have grown a fair bit in the last month actually, probably because they get lots of tetra sticks and no other fish can eat them (before my lemon barbs would get most of it quickly). they are about 4" long now, so they still have a ways to go yet.

it will work out well because the hooks will be near fully grown by the time the barbs are big enough to out compete them for lots of food..
I'm surprised you see your plecos,.... I can barely see my 14'' common pleco once he hides behind my big driftwood
well, don't forget my tank is pretty much setup for all open swimming. so they each have their little spots that they live.

the biggest one lives in the tube, along with a smaller one. one always lives behind the plants in the middle and one always sits behind the plant on the left side..

they seem to have territories.
Awesome plecs I love bushys!

12 Volt Man - I have just converted my tank to a clown loach only species tank. 16 clown loaches, 1 flagtail, nothing else. Pics in time once they all settle down again a few weeks
cool! the tinfoils are doing well. I actually treated the tank with metro that I still had from the last batch of tinfoils as I am a bit paranoid. I don't want any trouble with these ones like I had with the last ones. for all I know, they could have been from the same supplier as the last ones..I have no way of knowing.

but so far so good. tinfoils eating well, getting more colour and growing. one I removed to the quaretine tank because it was skinny from day one (although it is eating). it was also swimming a bit funny, which explains why I was able to catch it instantly in such a huge tank with open space to get away from me LOL

probably just a runt, but I didn't want to take any chances so he is going back to the LFS later on.

so I have 7 healthy barbs at the moment, along with the redhooks.
So you can just take back a runt to the LFS and they will accept it? Will you get the small refund price or they just take him back?

You've had some crap luck so far so fingers crossed. I've a feeling you'll be ok this time.