12 Volt Man's Aqueon 150 Gallon Startup Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Looking good. Unlikely a brain haemorrage (which is really a haemorragic stroke these days) would cause that sort of behaviour, fish would more than likely slow down or stop swimming or float. It was probably just spooked so your ok. (that is if it's similar in fish to humans...I treat alot of stroke patients...)
the affected fish is eating and swimming, but is a little lighter in colour now. hard to explain.

it also doesn't seem to eat the cichlid sticks like it did before the incident.

still in recovery I guess.

right now, 2 of the 4 fish eat until they are ready to explode, including the tetra cichlid sticks, the other one (the runt) has always eaten everything else I feed (colourbits and tetra crisps) but not the sticks. this fish was a bit skinny when I got him, and showed signs of poor growth at first (odd body shape/head region) but has filled and fattened up considerably. I can't often tell him apart anymore.

the 'injured' fish was eating everything to the point of bursting before the 'stroke' but in the last two days does not eat the sticks anymore..

but still, they are catching up to the redhooks quickly:

Nice. Hope you get em big and fat soon!
Nice, need to see how he recovers, if it was a stroke I'd assume it would be similar to what happens in humans, a period of recovery then a plateau leaving some damage to their brain...Never know with fish, might sort it's self out!
we shall see. the only time I have ever seen that sort of 'death spin' was directly after a fish smashed into the glass at 30 miles an hour. the fish was dead the next day (this happened once with one of my big chalceus that got spooked when my nephew hit my 90g with a ball).

however, this happened in the middle of the tank. I didn't see the fish smash into anything, but who knows. maybe I missed it. even at their smaller size, these fish are very quick. all power.
I have been eyeing two tinfoils at a LFS for the last two weeks and I broke down and bought them, along with the last lemonfin they had.

this store competes with the store/chain that I got the sick tinfoils from, its the store that I bought my current lemonfins from so I believe they are healthy. still, I am keeping them in quarentine for a few months to grow them up and observe.

If I can one day have all these barbs in the 150g at a decent size it will look awesome.
