125g Native tank Updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hmm, something I never tried. How are the fish doing? Getting big?
if you do go with a turtle don't do a cooter/mud turtle - its tough to get them to not munch on fish - good luck with the addition
Well I don't know a ton about turtles so I've been researching, but I'm thinking a small painted turtle, I'm slightly worried he might get bullied to much at first by my large sunny, but, we will see
a small painted may work out well. best of luck
If you put a turtle in their.You will need a light that produces UVB. They need this for development. Also painted turtles are not fully aquatic and will need a basking area to fully fry out.
Although many might say it's a bad idea, I've had a lot of luck with keeping soft shell turtles together with similar sized or larger fish. The turtles ate feeders and small fish eagerly but left all tankmates their size or larger alone (even slow moving fish like catfish providing they were big). Went on vacation for almost a week, threw in a couple dozen feeders, came back and everyone was hungry but no injuries/fatalities. Would probably be better off with a male as they don't get as large as the females.