I didn't think you where busting out the pictures yet Dave lol
One of the many morning after regrets... at least I don't have to get tested this time right? Lol its close enough to being done anyway, maybe we bust out a build thread this weekend...
I agree with those stating that baffles are too much of a hassle and I too like my bio media in mesh bags or pantyhos, only reason I see for baffles is to have one chamber for a skimmer to stay constant water level. Or for those picky saltwater guys that can't stand the micro bubbles.
Frank start building man, see what you get, see where the flaws are, and tweak from there. Build top down, figure out your mechanical, theno figure out your bio, then leave the rest for equipment. Check out some of the people using the Walmart plastic drawers for a trickle tower, I think that may be a great option for you to start unless you are set on a herbie or beananimal style overflow, which I wouldn't recommend you start with that right off the bat because that takes a good amount of tweaking. Keep us posted.