Guys i really appreciate the time you've all taken explaining this to me and showing me your set ups. I think im starting to see how this all works.
Im gonna stsrt tracking down supplies this week.
Read about the bubbles that can cause loss of siphon from the overflow (hob) so how do i avoid that if i purchase an eshopps over flow ?
As @duanes said he used an airline hose attsched to a power head.
Would an aquailfter work well with an eshopps Over flow ? The pic is a cpr.
Im gonna stsrt tracking down supplies this week.
Read about the bubbles that can cause loss of siphon from the overflow (hob) so how do i avoid that if i purchase an eshopps over flow ?
As @duanes said he used an airline hose attsched to a power head.
Would an aquailfter work well with an eshopps Over flow ? The pic is a cpr.