There is a mortar that is specific to rock veneer. I dont have the bag because I threw it out (cleaning out the garage and not paying attention) but if you ask where they sell the veneer they'll tell you. I think it was spec S. Anyone who does masonry work can tell you also.
Just read though the whole thread and was amaze with the tank and stand. I always wanted to do ma rock veneer on my tank and stand to make it look like it is built into a brick wall. Also I luv the pull out drawer idea might take that into consideration on my next stand build if you don't mind.
Just read though the whole thread and was amaze with the tank and stand. I always wanted to do ma rock veneer on my tank and stand to make it look like it is built into a brick wall. Also I luv the pull out drawer idea might take that into consideration on my next stand build if you don't mind.
hey couple of questions. first the tank looks awesome great job. can you post a list or name of the epoxy coating. (which brand or even a part number if they make more than one version.) also do they make it in different colors. or is it a dye you add to it.. I like the black but sometimes darker fish don't show up well. let me know keep up the great work... I bet you could sell stands like that and make a ton of cash doing it too..
selling stand to make a ton of cash always sounds better than it turns out.
On target now, that is an amazing looking stand. I love how the rock hides the doors. I am a big fan of the and surprise the entire doors pop off setups. I feel it is much better than hinges.