Now you can find at least 5 of these exact Dovii at Beltway Aquarium in Greenbelt, MD.
all of the videos are private and no pics- plenty of posturing though I can't believe the amount of time I wasted looking through this thread--- LAME
Thanks for the heads up about the media on this thread, thankfully I did not comb through it looking for working links. I am highly skeptical about the 30" length if someone is just eyeballing the fish. These are two photos of monster wild caught dovii. The first was measured at 26" TL and the second photo contains fish estimated by the angler to be 32" which is almost certainly an exaggeration. All three fish were caught in lake apanas in Nicaragua which is a man made reservoir. The largest dovii I know of wild or captive that has any evidence backing up it's size was the one kept by guapote Mel at 27" in the third image.Did anyone ever get any measurements and are they still there now? Interesting read, unfortunately I can't get any of the videos to load.
¡¡¡DETENGAN SUS ESTÚPIDOS "HECHOS"!!! el único hecho del asunto es que simplemente estás equivocado. What. ¿Vas a tratar de decirme que el bagre de cola roja solo mide 2 pies y luego, literalmente, ME GRITARÁS "ESTÁ VERIFICADO"? bla, bla, bla... ¿ha estado alguna vez aquí? probablemente no y de nuevo, estás viendo cosas de PESCA. y aquí hay un "HECHO" para ti, solo 1/3 de los peces capturados son variados... lo que significa que si lo divide en 2/3, aproximadamente el 63,3% de los peces capturados nunca se miden ocasionalmente, por lo que hay MUCHOS peces más grandes que tus "registros verificados".
Siento parecer grosero, pero muchos otros MFKers y yo no estamos de acuerdo contigo...
Now you can find at least 5 of these exact Dovii at Beltway Aquarium in Greenbelt, MD.
I know ancient post on a resurrected thread... but would love to know how the fish from the National Zoo (Smithsonian) made their way to the death-smelling swamp known as Beltway Aquarium?
Any still alive?