300 gl. stand finally started

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
They will hold fine...many under estimate the power of a 2x4 and if you feel weasy about it, you can browse the forums here and there is a formula actually showing how much it can hold. And with the extra 2x4 the way you did, like i did in my 180, it's actually a 4x4 with 2x4's, which is better than a 2x4 and actually provides less chance for twisting. Good luck on the rest of the build, working on my hood now :)
Thanks Paulbearer, I figured I was pretty safe as I copied the designs of a few recent builds on this forum including yours : } and so far it is really sturdy without the plywood skin.

One more night of working then back to this stand. I will get some more updated pics up as soon as there is progress.
Yesterday I picked out the plywood and brought it home then went to Lowe's and Menard's looking for trim for the stand that turned into an epic quest. lol We spent 4 hours trying to decide on what trim to use only to decide to make it my self.
Has any one priced trim lately ? holy bat crap batman !
I have some new stock arriving in a month or so, now this is on the front burner again. The frame was painted today and will be skinned tomorrow. I wanted a protective cote on the inside of the stand before the plywood is attached.
There was no one around today when I started painting and there is no way for me to pick up this tank and set it on the floor so I propped up one end at a time with 2x's then tied it to the roof lol yeah I know but it worked and it's safely back on the stand now.
On a separate note the impeller shaft for the quiet one 9000 came in and it is now installed and working. 4l. of seachem matrix has also arrived and is cycling in one of my sumps. It was not the volume of media that was expected so I will be ordering more down the road. The vendor that I ordered the Kaldness K-3 from was out of stock but they did have K-1 so I went that rout, 2 X 50l. : }



it looks nice and your tank is over 300 roughly by 10G..but it does look thin by the way of the picture is..
studd muffin;5161364; said:
Looking awesome!
Yellow_Perch;5161385; said:
it looks nice and your tank is over 300 roughly by 10G..but it does look thin by the way of the picture is..
I would have liked the dim's to be the other way around as far as width and depth, but this ain't Cali where monster tanks fall from the sky. Around here they just figured out it's not OK for one to marry ones sister : }
Made a little progress today the floor of the stand that the sump will sit on has been notched out and the sides of the stand are cut. I waited on a friend with a finish nailer to show up but never did so the skin will wait for a few more days. i have a full week off starting next wed. so it should start falling together pretty quick.


B_IN_SD;5163370; said:
Made a little progress today the floor of the stand that the sump will sit on has been notched out and the sides of the stand are cut. I waited on a friend with a finish nailer to show up but never did so the skin will wait for a few more days. i have a full week off starting next wed. so it should start falling together pretty quick.

Looking Good! Wat are you using for skin? 1/2" Birch?