Another update! I think I am happy with the tank now!
I have a few changes! I finally managed to rehome the mini marble and p14 stingray, and have now got my final albino male pearl stingray. I have also got a 10 inch royal clown knife fish, although he's difficult to picture. The tank is looking really nice and im happy witht the level of fish. I may end up swapping the hampalas out for some geophagus in the future, but I like the way the tank looks now. Aiming to put some nice growth on the rays and arowana, and see how the tank does over the next few months.
Final stocking
Albino pearl stingray x2
Albino pearl X albino black diamond x1
Malaysian gold arowana
Hampala barbs x2
Stormii catfish
Fly river turtle
Royal clown knifefish
Here's some update pics. Will try and get some more in a few weeks once everyone has settled in and out etc
EDIT for some reason it wont let me upload multiple images which is really frustrating. Keep having this problem time and time again