• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

425 Gallon Pond/Outside Tank Build

ok i am about ot put this thing out in my back yard and i am wondering where i need to put it. should it be shaded for most of the day? all day? or does it need sun for the most part of the day or all day. it gets into the upper 90s for much of the summer so i was thinking it needs to be well shaded but that sunlight will help the plants and what not.
Like someone said, a lot of plants will also help greatly in filtration. I used nothing but plants on a smaller scale, and it worked beautifully. Lots of anacharis (SP?), water lilly, water lettuce, and other pond plants. The only thing that would need substrate is the water lilly, and you can just plant that in a pot and drop it in the "pond".
ok that sounds good...i am thinking about putting pool filter sand in the bottom of it just for the heck of it. how much sun light will it need for the plants to grow....right now i am planning on putting it under a covered shed type thing that is out side with open sides. will this be enough indirect sun light for the plants to grow?
i am thinking that i will try planted. I have about a month and a half to mess with it before i have to put any fish in it so i have a little time to play around. I put some sand in it tonite but it was alot dirtier that i thought so i might take it out tommorow if it doesnt settle. but as of now i am going to try and go planted with just a pump to move some water around. however ozpkchris, i am still planning on making a filter similar to the one you showed me but i might have to wait and do it this summer when i have no school to contend with
do you think i will be able to house my rd, jag, 5 star general, and an oscar atleast? i am hoping the space will cut down on my rd's aggresion
ok so here is an update after two days....also if anyone can answer some of the above questions, it would be greatly appreciated




