• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

90 Gallon Cichlid Tankmates

BellycrawlerJaws;4598398; said:
Lots of respect for those who keep them, but I'm not big on them :(
ok then a blue acara, salvini, convit.....
Those would work with the current stock??

And any thoughts on some dithers that would be a bit less skittish than the SDs?
The stock you have is ok. I would want to swap the SDs for Giant Danios, but since you don't like them you could get a school of tetra(serpae, lemon, or Colombian to name a few). It should work out better since they will fill up the tank without adding too much load and once your cichlids can fill the tank they'll take care of the dithers themselves.
BellycrawlerJaws;4598417; said:
Those would work with the current stock??

And any thoughts on some dithers that would be a bit less skittish than the SDs?
Giant Danios
BellycrawlerJaws;4598342; said:
Problem is I've fallen in love with my little oscar, he's my baby lol... I'd love a texas but I know that in a 90 long term that that would neverrrr work out...

And you are SOOOO right about the SDs, sadly they always do that with me! and If I touch the lid, they FREAK...

I'd love to do the clown loaches, I just worry that the pike would bully them since they're also bottom feeders. I was thinking maybe giant danios, but they don't really fit the continent idea (SA/CA), but I want a dither that fits the region that isn't so skiddish lol... (suggestions?)

A bit scatter-brained there sorry

But yeah, I'd like to keep the cichlids I have in the 90, so if you have any ideas for a bit more confident of a dither fish, or a substitution for a fish in my cichlids (I'd like to keep the 3 ideally) then I'm all for it, but if you think it's fully stocked then please tell me :) I'm just trying to weigh my options

The "Texas" has as good a chance getting by in a 90 as anything else you have...and would probably be happier than the oscar, especially if its a H. carpintis (not a true Texas) in a 90 with tankmates. They arent all that aggressive. More like peacekeepers that can hold their own need be.

As suggested above, some cool tetras/danios/mollies would work until the pike or oscar eat them. Not much choice, other than SDs, when you have an oscar that, in about 2 to 3 months, will take them out with ease.
Gotcha, so you're saying either the oscar or the texas. Well currently the oscar is happy as a clam so lets hope he stays that way... (The pike and firemouth are flaring/lip locking as we speak - the FM isn't backing down which is a good sign for now) but yeah, I'll look at my 2 LFSs and see if either of them have large giant danios in stock, I'd do danios i think, I'd just worry about the cichlids getting food since the danios will be all over the top... Maybe congo tetras? your thoughts?

Thank you for being so helpful again!
So I'm getting the impression that I may need to leave the dithers alone and focus on the real issue... the pike.

I think I'm going to have to take back the pike, because the aggression with the firemouth is getting to be too much.

If I should take the pike back, should I get a smaller cichlid to replace him? A species of catfish perhaps?

I'm just exploring all possibilities here and love brainstorming about it hahaha :)
no worries on food getting past the danios as they cant eat more than the cichlids and will be better with flakes while the cichlids should be on a good pellet.

If you take the pike back, get 6 clown loaches (if they are 2-3 inches) as dithers and you should be fine...if you can get bigger clown loaches, youd be better off, just dont get 6...maybe 3-4. They are terribly slow growers and will not match the growth of your oscar and eventually be an expensive snack more than likely.

Or, get a cool synodontis catfish...or a pictus or rafeal cat. They are all great bottom dwellers and eat all leftovers.
Yeah the SDs get flakes and the cichlids get pellets, but the oscar is the only one who gets to them lol
What kinds of synos would u recommend? I've had a eupterus and he was super aggressive... i like clown loaches but yeah the growth would be an issue in the future :(