Page says item is no longer available... any other links?try this to screw/unscrew with the tube at the tap
Page says item is no longer available... any other links?try this to screw/unscrew with the tube at the tap
Always have... always spray out the tub from the tank water I'm draining and filled the tub.. never had a problem... my Jack's been with me 3 years with that water change method and seems healthy as can be... I also dont have sink or bath tap that has threads... sure can be changed out no problem if I throw some money on a new faucet... I know there are adaptors too but have heard they break easily and are a pain in the ass to put on
Page says item is no longer available... any other links?
Filling from a bathtub has the potential of introducing surfactants, cleaning residuals, etc. Unless one never uses it for bathing/showering. This is actually the first time I have ever heard of someone filling their tank via water from a filled bath tub.
It works for Nilsafeller and that is fine. To me, this is an easily avoidable risk factor, which you caught right away, Zugs. This is good. We are trying to advise based on rules, not exceptions, for starters. Once one knows the rules, they can start learning the exceptions and experimentation.
As well, down the line in a few years when I am ready for a community, I would be able to house a community in the tank correct? Someone mentioned (I think RD but for the life of me I can't find the post), that 24H may be too small. I was thinking of trying an Arowana with Silver Dollars and then some sort of bottom dweller. But could also do just Arowana and Silver Dollars. And I understand that I would first need experience with Silver Dollars and then Arowana separately before I would be ready to do so. I get that.
Have you not read anything here? I need to remove myself from this discussion at this point. I would say good luck, but I'm afraid that for this to end in success it's going to take a lot more than just luck.
Well I think the problem is you are missing the important bits of information people are giving you and going back to the same old thing time and again. In your mind the issues are with the size of the tank. Even though people @RD. @thebiggerthebetter and others are directly telling you the issues will be compatibility,maintenance, feeding and more. The 24h had little to do with what rd said. Reread everything as many times as it takes to get that into your head.Thank you for having faith in me...
And I have read every post. I'm not saying that I'm going to go out and get an Arowana right now. I had thought that you had posted something about how 24"H may not be enough for a community in the future. But I can't seem to find it. So I wanted to verify that and see what others thought. Again, I ask these questions not to prepare for now but to prepare for the future.