96 x 30 x 24 Tank and Arowana Species

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Well I think the problem is you are missing the important bits of information people are giving you and going back to the same old thing time and again. In your mind the issues are with the size of the tank. Even though people @RD. @thebiggerthebetter and others are directly telling you the issues will be compatibility,maintenance, feeding and more. The 24h had little to do with what rd said. Reread everything as many times as it takes to get that into your head.
I for one believe as a person with ZERO fish keeping history you are making a huge mistake in getting a 300g tank. You dont even know if you like fish keeping. Youve never done it! Get a 75g find a couple fish you like that are a moderate size compatible with that size tank and try it out for a year or so. I'm not trying to beat you up buddy. But come on when is this line of thinking going to cease. This whole thread is absurd. Its like a dog chasing its tail.
Read the thread please! Stop comenting on half answers and other misinterpretations. Read it word for word and understand what it is they are telling you. I really hope you like keeping fish.

Every thread the OP has started has turned out to be absurd, and let's face it there are many. And the frustrating thing for me is that any good advice he is given, and god we've all chipped in and tried, seems to go right over his head.

We're no closer to getting through to him from the moment he starts a thread right up until the end of it, and then he'll start another thread which will go the same way.

The real eye opener for me is the fact that if this is what he is like now, BEFORE he's even got his tank and fish, what on earth is he going to be like when he's got said tank! We are seriously going to be inundated with thread after thread of problems, and there will be many.

Yes we can put him on ignore or just read all his stuff and refuse to engage, but by and large we're a good bunch of people who like helping. It's very frustrating.
Every thread the OP has started has turned out to be absurd, and let's face it there are many. And the frustrating thing for me is that any good advice he is given, and god we've all chipped in and tried, seems to go right over his head.

We're no closer to getting through to him from the moment he starts a thread right up until the end of it, and then he'll start another thread which will go the same way.

The real eye opener for me is the fact that if this is what he is like now, BEFORE he's even got his tank and fish, what on earth is he going to be like when he's got said tank! We are seriously going to be inundated with thread after thread of problems, and there will be many.

Yes we can put him on ignore or just read all his stuff and refuse to engage, but by and large we're a good bunch of people who like helping. It's very frustrating.
This is EXACTLY what I said many many many many threads and comments ago, but yet our good buddy here Hendre decides to give me “Warning” and threaten to ban me..... hmmm ? I wonder if that little boy has given anyone else a warning or threaten anyone else besides me....
Well I think the problem is you are missing the important bits of information people are giving you and going back to the same old thing time and again. In your mind the issues are with the size of the tank. Even though people @RD. @thebiggerthebetter and others are directly telling you the issues will be compatibility,maintenance, feeding and more. The 24h had little to do with what rd said. Reread everything as many times as it takes to get that into your head.
I for one believe as a person with ZERO fish keeping history you are making a huge mistake in getting a 300g tank. You dont even know if you like fish keeping. Youve never done it! Get a 75g find a couple fish you like that are a moderate size compatible with that size tank and try it out for a year or so. I'm not trying to beat you up buddy. But come on when is this line of thinking going to cease. This whole thread is absurd. Its like a dog chasing its tail.
Read the thread please! Stop comenting on half answers and other misinterpretations. Read it word for word and understand what it is they are telling you. I really hope you like keeping fish.

That's not at all what I meant to come across as. Like I said earlier, I think people are getting the wrong idea about me and I just keep coming across as wrong. But just to clear it up, I was sure I had read a post saying that 24H in of itself was too small for a community of Aro and Silver Dollars. I must have read it wrong and took it the wrong way. I legitimately thought a point was brought up about the size specifically this time. But it looks like I was wrong and that is fine. Not sure if it was edited away or I was just sleep deprived when I was reading. But I get that that's no the point people are making. I of course understand that it's not about size, it's about experience level.
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Jeepers guys... Read the TOS.
Be kind, be nice. And zugs please listen to the other members here, they are trying to help you out here. Start with something other than an aro. Even I, after 3 years, would not be prepped for taking an arowana on. Leave it out of the picture till you really have things under control.
We're no closer to getting through to him from the moment he starts a thread right up until the end of it, and then he'll start another thread which will go the same way.

The real eye opener for me is the fact that if this is what he is like now, BEFORE he's even got his tank and fish, what on earth is he going to be like when he's got said tank! We are seriously going to be inundated with thread after thread of problems, and there will be many.

Yes we can put him on ignore or just read all his stuff and refuse to engage, but by and large we're a good bunch of people who like helping. It's very frustrating.

Again, I'm coming across as so wrong it's not funny. I ask one question about size just to verify what I had thought someone wrote and now people are jumping on me again. But again, I probably misinterpreted and that's my bad. Like I said earlier, I legitimately thought RD said that 24H was not big enough anyway for a comm tank and I just wanted to verify that. It didn't make sense to me and it now makes sense, why it didn't. Because I guess it didn't happen and I just misread. That's not to say that I have not listened to what everyone has said thus far. I misinterpreted one point. One. It's just not looking like that to some people. Let's not start generalizing.

You seem to have an impression about me and that's fine. I have received many PM's from people saying my threads are more than acceptable to them but I know some others don't agree with that, and that's fine. We live in counties where we have different opinions and are free to express them. And that is beautiful in of itself. But at the same time, I hope that you would feel comfortable answering a question I ask and don't feel annoyed doing so. But that may be wishful thinking.


Now to the point where you're basically saying that you suspect I will be spamming the forum with threads when I have a problem. That is all well and good and you are free to think that this is what'll happen. But, for one, I have already said that will try my best not to create threads hastily and will take caution to make sure my threads are appropriate. Two, I have created a network of people like I said that are willing to help and are not so easily annoyed by question asking. I would like to embrace the community and ask questions freely but as I have learned that may not be the best idea.

But if I do have to create another thread to ask a question, don't think for one second that I will not ask just to save you individually from being annoyed. Others have already expressed that they want me to ask questions and want me to learn. I just have to calm down with the thread making is all. And I get that. Don't post 10 threads. Post 1.

And after all of this, can we try to stay on topic and not go after each other so much? I mean, really. What's the point in doing this. We're all members and we don't need to fight.
Jeepers guys... Read the TOS.
Be kind, be nice. And zugs please listen to the other members here, they are trying to help you out here. Start with something other than an aro. Even I, after 3 years, would not be prepped for taking an arowana on. Leave it out of the picture till you really have things under control.

Absolutely. As I have said, I am 100% appreciative of all help I receive. And I totally get that everyone is trying to help. I get that.

And this is my point. I am not considering starting with an Arowana. Not talking about you here Hendre, but people keep telling me to read the posts members make over again and they themselves seem to have missed the many times I have said I AM NOT GOING TO START WITH AN AROWANA. I am simply asking questions for the future. It seems that some members don't think ahead and then reactively make posts and this is what has become appropriate and the norm. Screw up and then ask a question instead of asking the question from the beginning. That is not my style. I like to preemptively ask questions far into the future to analyze my options and see what is available. Just because I am asking now about Arowana, does not mean that I am considering getting one now. I am considering getting one after I gain some experience and have a bunch of knowledge under my belt.
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That's not at all what I meant to come across as. Like I said earlier, I think people are getting the wrong idea about me and I just keep coming across as wrong. But just to clear it up, I was sure I had read a post saying that 24H in of itself was too small for a community of Aro and Silver Dollars. I must have read it wrong and took it the wrong way. I legitimately thought a point was brought up about the size specifically this time. But it looks like I was wrong and that is fine. Not sure if it was edited away or I was just sleep deprived when I was reading. But I get that that's no the point people are making. I of course understand that it's not about size, it's about experience level.
Look im going to try and break it down short and sweet. The size of the tank matters little when the fish you are housing are out of your league. The temperment of arowana is usually that for very experienced keepers. (This has been said to you time and again) You will not be ready for an arowana once you grow some sds out ok so forget them as a community. Besides that arowana don't make good community fish for MOST people. They are flighty, finicky and agressive to the point they hurt themselves. I know you keep saying I'm not getting an arowana that's good but seriously id give it 10+ years to even start thinking arowana, or most of your previous intended "starter" fish.

Big tanks are more stable. That said if you dont know how to stabilize a tank or fix a problem how is 300g of bad water going to help you? Start with a smaller tank please! Figure out how to keep good water parameters and what to do when something goes wrong. While a larger volume of water is potentially more stable and will give you more time its also going to be harder to fix when things go wrong.

Do you have a quarantine tank? Do you know what that is? Because introducing a parasite into 300g is going to be very expensive and harder to fix then say in 65g.

There is way more information you should be seeking then will an arowana work in this size tank with these other fish. Basics buddy. You need to keep fish to learn sometimes. Start smaller please. Get some fish and learn. I'll be happy to answer questions like those. The ones you are asking right now are out in left field man. Others have said the same thing. You ticked off a couple of the smarter people here by consistently going back to these questions that currently the answer hold no value to you.

You are correct in the fact that we are a community and there for you should drop the pm stuff and post for the community. But you need to tailor tour posts currently to the real issues at hand. You have no clue whats going on. Thats ok. Thats what we are here for. But you have to listen to whats being said not what you want to hear you are losing us.

Jeepers guys... Read the TOS.
Be kind, be nice. And zugs please listen to the other members here, they are trying to help you out here. Start with something other than an aro. Even I, after 3 years, would not be prepped for taking an arowana on. Leave it out of the picture till you really have things under control.
I dont think anyone is being mean. Some are frustrated. Some people can be told hey this is what needs to happen and they go oh ok and all is well. Some people need a brick upside the head to get through to them, if you take away all the bricks we will be unable to help those who need that kind of answer.
Its pretty obvious what is needed here because the gentle breeze of our knowledge isnt swaying the mighty branches of the stubborn oak.
Omg...... seriously, you can’t seem to follow this basic simplistic conversation, but you want to plan for 2025. Lol

Seeing as you can’t seem to follow this convo, and keep referencing back to me, allow me to point out exactly what was said, that somehow went right over your head. And I just woke up and am still half asleep. Lol. It took me 2 minutes.

The issue with Asian aros isn't their size, his tank would be plenty big enough to house a single Asian aro for life. But with only 24" in height, having an aro along with comm fish is going to be an issue. An experienced aro keeper gets that, and the whys of that, you won't, until you get to that point. Not everything can be gleaned from an internet forum.

The problem with this tank, and the OP, is that he has zero experience with keeping fish. ZERO. In his mind if the fish fits the tank it's all good in the hood, but it won't be. Not even close.

Want to start with a big tank, I see no problem with that. Go for it. Want to start with a comm tank, with an aro and other fish? Now you have a disaster in the making. You don't even understand the basics amigo. Grow out a good size school of SD's in your tank if that species interests you, then go from there.

Or one day look back at this and regret the fact that you didn't listen to those who knew better, and were attempting to spare you the grief. Good luck.
Those are some very good points that I had not considered.

And I think I may go that route. Start with a school of Silver Dollars. The are relatively cheap. Would my tank be able to comm an Asian Arowana and a school of SD in the future once I gain more experience? Given it's height? Arrow at the top and silver dollars in mid level to bottom? Or is this a no go for sure no matter the experience?
The king of DIY struggled to get his aro enough food with the voracious appetites of SD's. That was one person's experience.
That, and one is a carnivore, the other an omnivore, leaning towards herbivore.
Let's try this again. For now, forget about a comm tank of any type, with an aro. You are not even remotely close to that level of fishkeeping. That was my point above.

Get the tank, learn how your tank works, understand the basics, focus on maintaining a heathy & robust bio-bacteria colony while you keep a school of interesting fish, such as SD's, as you seemed interested in them. THEN, later on down the road, when you have mastered that - then & only then consider stepping things up.

Either find some comm fish that will be easy, non aggressive, no drama species, that will work with your school of SD's, and you will in turn learn much more about how fish behaviours mesh (or not?) and even about individual personalities within species and how they can effect a community set up.

Or if by then you are 100% certain that you are ready for an Asian aro - sell off or give away the SD's, and get a young aro to work with. Now you will have drama, behaviour that you will not know exactly how to deal with, such possible problems with its diet (they can be picky eaters), jumping, drop eye, PLJ, etc-etc-etc. Focus on the aro 100%, forget about comm anything. I'm sure that you will be back here asking many questions regarding that single fish.

Read that ten times, then let me know what part of that you don’t understand. Or maybe ask you network of friends, perhaps collectively one of you will get it. Here’s a clue so that we can save another 10 pages of back and forth. 24 height for a comm tank with an Asian Afro is going to be problematic. Your tank is not suitable for comming, and even if it was, SDs would not be suitable. See quotes above, keep reading until it sinks in.
Hey zugs if you like SDs that would be a great starting point. I think a large school of healthy, full grown redhooks or widebar silver dollars is just as impressive as an aro.

You will always have room to expand your stock later too.
You are right. I still think that the 300 is too much tank for a newb but it would look nice and give him all the proper real world experience he could handle. As they are aggressive enough to give some issues there, he will want to add more at some point so he will gain experience in introducing a parasite or if done correctly qt'd.
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