I switched back to filter socks after experimenting with poly fiber for a year or so. Will never go back to cut to fit pads again, don't know what I was thinking. Musta bumped my head or something.
I used to use the polyester 7 x 16.5 socks and got just short of 4 months out of one @ ~ 1600 gph. Would need to change it every three days or so. I would save those and use them for the last time in the dead of winter and discard them instead of cleaning them.
I now use polypropylene and bought (6), two 50 two 100 and two 200 micron over two years ago and they are still doing okay not ready to retire. The polypropylene are definately harder to clean than polyester but are more durable. I rinse em off outside with a hose. Wife would kill me if I put one in the washer. Then since we live in the NE we use the laundrymat in the cold of the winter once a week.