Hey, that reminds me, I saw another one of those so called, 'Great Blue Herons' but this geeky lookin turkey was behaving itself. It was walking upstream in the creek and it went on by without coming up into the yard, I'm sure it got the memo, BEWARE of size 12 sliffards and or sandals, shoes and other assorted items thrown at trespassing Herons, Great or otherwise!Turkey-Bob
My outdoor pool is still going very well and the water temp has dropped in the 60 degree range and I plan to overwinter the Koi in that pool. I still got my outdoor dig on hold but it is an open ended project! HOORAY for open ended projects!

I grew this radish at the Community Garden, it weighed 8 pounds... Including the leaves, which are edible and not too bitter either. The stalks are full of water, I kept the whole stalk. We had a Garden workday today.