Above the Tavern with Parka!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hey, that reminds me, I saw another one of those so called, 'Great Blue Herons' but this geeky lookin turkey was behaving itself. It was walking upstream in the creek and it went on by without coming up into the yard, I'm sure it got the memo, BEWARE of size 12 sliffards and or sandals, shoes and other assorted items thrown at trespassing Herons, Great or otherwise!

My outdoor pool is still going very well and the water temp has dropped in the 60 degree range and I plan to overwinter the Koi in that pool. I still got my outdoor dig on hold but it is an open ended project! HOORAY for open ended projects!
outdoor pool falling temps.jpg

I grew this radish at the Community Garden, it weighed 8 pounds... Including the leaves, which are edible and not too bitter either. The stalks are full of water, I kept the whole stalk. We had a Garden workday today.
Bigger than it LOOKS.jpg
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I'd almost wait to put the baby bichirs in the big tank, they have super poor eye sight and have to hunt by smell it may take them a while to find they're food unless you find them amd spot feed them. Just some advice from a fellow fan of the noodles
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I'd almost wait to put the baby bichirs in the big tank, they have super poor eye sight and have to hunt by smell it may take them a while to find they're food unless you find them amd spot feed them. Just some advice from a fellow fan of the noodles
Thank you for that! I'm always open to advice, especially delivered in such a friendly and meaningful way, and BTW, that's exactly what you did, HOORAY for beau1990 beau1990 !

So far it seems to be going just fine for this pair of "Noodles", in this pic below was the only time I spotted both at the same time. So, the top of the tank is covered in that Water Lettuce and I have seen the Bichirs all up in those very thick roots going after small floating pellets and I have also seen them scrounge sinking pellets at the gravel. I have noticed they seem a tiny bit thicker, they are as small as Kuhli Loaches. I'm pretty excited to have these tiny Beasts and it will be fun to see what happens to their tank mates! Thank you for posting here! Show me your Fish, please.
Baby Bichirs.jpg

Another thing I wanted to mention, I have a gang of Pictus Cats, 7 of them and one got its pectoral fins stuck in a net when moving them, and I had to cut the net and the lil cat had net stuck on its pecs, it basically shed off its damaged pec fins and they are growing back! Right now the pec fins look normal except very small but all signs point to a full fin recovery, pretty cool!
Thank you for that! I'm always open to advice, especially delivered in such a friendly and meaningful way, and BTW, that's exactly what you did, HOORAY for beau1990 beau1990 !

So far it seems to be going just fine for this pair of "Noodles", in this pic below was the only time I spotted both at the same time. So, the top of the tank is covered in that Water Lettuce and I have seen the Bichirs all up in those very thick roots going after small floating pellets and I have also seen them scrounge sinking pellets at the gravel. I have noticed they seem a tiny bit thicker, they are as small as Kuhli Loaches. I'm pretty excited to have these tiny Beasts and it will be fun to see what happens to their tank mates! Thank you for posting here! Show me your Fish, please.
View attachment 1552800

Another thing I wanted to mention, I have a gang of Pictus Cats, 7 of them and one got its pectoral fins stuck in a net when moving them, and I had to cut the net and the lil cat had net stuck on its pecs, it basically shed off its damaged pec fins and they are growing back! Right now the pec fins look normal except very small but all signs point to a full fin recovery, pretty cool!
Any time buddy, I do hope the pictus aren't
in the same tank as these baby bichirs?
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Any time buddy, I do hope the pictus aren't
in the same tank as these baby bichirs?
Well, they all seem A-Okay, yeah, all together in the Community! It has been a couple weeks and the cats have not ate my Bichirs. I was actually sorta not too concerned that the Bichirs will grow up and eat the Cats? But really, so far erry body seems pretty content in the Mighty Chicago.
Well, they all seem A-Okay, yeah, all together in the Community! It has been a couple weeks and the cats have not ate my Bichirs. I was actually sorta not too concerned that the Bichirs will grow up and eat the Cats? But really, so far erry body seems pretty content in the Mighty Chicago.
Well good, just be careful what are the dimensions of Chicago? I'm pretty sure you could have all the species of bichir in a tank of that size
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what are the dimensions of Chicago?
Ahh man, thanks for the opportunity to Brag it UP, WAY UP! The inside dimensions, TWELVE FEET and 6 inches long,

31.5 inches Front to Back,

And 43" tall, however, the gravel layer and the lava rock are a good 6" deep, just shy of 900 gallons, that's my understanding of the situation.

I got my little Bichirs at a Pet Smart, I was surprised to get such an exotic fish there. I don't want to buy any more fish from the Petco's and Pet Smarts, the reason is both stores are continuing to shrink down the fish sections in their stores and the bigger reason is just a poor selection of fish. I almost always leave feeling disappointed.

I took these pics today, I still would like to see your Fish! I only spotted one Bichir today, this one is a little bit darker than the other one. I don't know for certain but I think mine are Senagal Bichirs.
Darker Bichir.jpg

And the Blue Gourami, I have 5 and I like these fish, this is the biggest of the group, maybe 2.5 inches. I read the Blues get up to 6" long and with such a deep body, that will look impressive when full grown. I wanted to get a group of Pearl Gouramis, they don't get quite as large as the Blue but that is what I was mentioning about feeling disappointed, poor selection at the Big Box pet shops....
Bluer than Blue.jpg

And this last picture, a Giant Danio darting by the Cat Cave! GOOD EVENING!
Cat Daddies.jpg
And yes those are senegals one of the most common types available and you can check out my bichirs in their thread I don't wanna clog your thread up with pictures of my fish
you can check out my bichirs
Oh I Plan on it! At mine or your Convenience? It has NOT bean Determined... YET!

Please excuse my recent absence, I have not been busy AT ALL, most of my sore gristles still hurt, the Greeks called it, Arthritis, it got discovered when the Greeks built the Mighty Pyramids in Egypt, it caused a LOT of sore gristle.

My little Bichirs have thickened up since I got them but still only about 2" long. I read an account where the Bichir owner says that Plecos will get after the skin of the Bichirs and cause damage to the Bichirs... I have a pair of large Plecos and they also look sorta prehistoric, but if the Plecos cause problems, they will be removed from the tank. Those plecos are super easy to trap in a hoop net, I'm far too Clumsy to catch them with a regular net.

I WIIL find your Thread!