I took a few close up pics, this way I can keep showing off from a different angle! Now listen, 2 of the pics are NOT hobby specific so it's best I Self Report MYSELF!
@Parka , Self Reporting, with my Land Mistress's new puppies, Niko and Otto... I REALLY wanted to name 'em, Vigor & Gusto!!! Anyway, see for yourself! We have crates, a playpen and a closed off potty area on the deck and so it is going really good, they seem like fast and bright learners. They are so eager to play and I think it will be a breeze to train these little guys, and since I'm home all day, they will get plenty of my attention, so fun, so much fun watching them play hard! And then I can crate them because they are wiped out tired. And then after a couple hours they romp again! Lil Angels is what they are!
Now these next two pics, it's the Giant Danios. This first one is a prime example of very handsome Danio.
And this one, my guess is that it is a female full of eggs, its body is sorta bent outta shape, hang in there Pretty Swimmer! I have probably about 3 dozen Giant Danio fry still growing up in the Akron and soon all the fry will join their extended families in the Mighty Chicago.
I started with 4 of these Blue Gouramis but three of them, well I think those circulation filters gobbled 'em up. I replaced all circ pumps with air stones, very good choice. It's always easiest for me to learn the hard way. I am really liking the look of this fish now that it has grown a bit, they get a good size, 6" long and they are deep bodied, the Pearl Gourami, it doesn't get quite as big as the Blue but the Pearl variety is even more elegant and colorful, I want 4 more Blues and a half dozen Pearl Gouramis, I'm going to the box store pet shops this Sunday. Petco and Petsmart.
And these or this, I have 4, Buenos Aires Tetra and I think this is the largest of all the Tetras...? I hope to be corrected if I'm mistaken. I'd like to get more of these also.
Now this last pic, it's an oddball situation for sure. Now listen Dummies, It has been said that I, ME, am not that Clumsy. However, that is a highly debatable topic.
I was in the bathroom today, at my side, fully dressed sans footwear, I even had my walker in front of me, some how I still lost balance, slo-mo clumsy stumbled all the way to the other side of bathroom and with my rear end taking charge, I ended up BUTTING a big hole in the wall, a Butt Hole! See for yourself! It happened and it hurt, I hit hard. I'm glad I split the studs, had I butted a stud, I may have had a serious injury, instead all's I got is a sore ass! For Real!
Good EVENING and Happiest Halloween!