Albino arapaima in my pond


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 6, 2011
He said someone offered him $200 for the Albino 'pima and he doesn't know if that's a good deal or just someone trying to take advantage of his lack of knowledge of what it's actually worth. Also, the first photos are different fish than the ones that are in water (the Albino included). If I understand correctly, he saved a spawn from the original fish (the ones he apparently killed) and the Albino happened to pop up in the spawn.

Spanish Classes FTW ;)

Joao M

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Nov 28, 2010
I am not a Spanish (or English...) native speaker, but understand it, so I´ll give it a try:

Sorry but my english is very bad

Saludos a todos, un abrazo de Bolivia, bueno pasa que tengo unos terrenos en la amazonia de mi pais.
hace un par de años algunos arapaimas se escaparon de granjas en peru, de a poco empezaron a extenderse en territorio boliviano.
actualemente ya entraron al sistema del rio mamore supernado las llamdas cachuelas siendo ahora el unico pez que se captura.
en otras palabras estan terminando con todo a su paso.

"hi from Bolivia, I have some land in the Amazon area of my country. A few years ago a few Arapaimas escaped from farms in Peru and slowly started to expand in Bolivian territory.
Nowadays they´ve entered the system of river "Mamore" passing the so-called "Cachuelas" (note: area of rapids in Bolivia?), being now the only fish that is captured. In other words they are devasting everything as they move."

Como se aprecia en las imagenes solo se capturan paiches nada mas. eso se captura en una sola salida de unas 5 horas.

"As you can see in the pics we only capture "paiches" (note: arapaimas) and nothing else. This is what we get in only 5 hours"

pero bueno presisamente hace un año capturamos algunas y las soltamos en las lagunas de mi estancia. paso que hace un par de meses sacamos un macho y retiramos las crias y bueno la sorpresa fue grande cuando vimos este ejemplar (ahora cuenta con 25 cm)

" Exactly a year ago we captured some and released them in some ponds of my farm. A few months ago, caught one male and removed the fry and well, it was a big surprise when we saw this hs (currently with 10")

me gusta mucho pero unos amigos asiaticos me ofrecieron 200 dolares por el (pero por costes de permisos y demas no se si me conviene venderlo, si estan tratando de aprovecharse, o bueno si mejor me quedo con el)
"I like it a lot but some asian friends offered me 200 dollars for it (but with the costs of licenses and other I don´t know it it is convenient for me to sell it, if they are taking advantage of me or if at the end it it better to keep it)"

I say.. keep it; that arapaima is superb!

Queda-te con el; ese paiche es magnifico!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 17, 2011
I read that and was like wtf. Is he saying

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MFK Member
Dec 11, 2006
Bennington, VT
I would say keep that one and keep on breeding. Get them established more and then start selling. Like they say, don't sell your goose that lays golden eggs.
I have never heard of arapaimas becoming an invasive species.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 5, 2010
Milky Way Galaxy,
Sello no lesso theno $10,000-$100,000 dolores! Had to give it a try don't want this Guy to get scammed! Keep it if no one coughs up that much for that awesome beast! Your Asian friends are scamming you man.

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Nate Dogg

MFK Member
Jun 7, 2011
they are invasive, they shouldn't be there and weren't introduced with research to know if they would stay or reproduce. These get big and eat alot which wreaks havoc on the local area. In the best way hope they all die (the wild ones farms are ok)